PH issue coco/perlite flower

Hi all,

I just fed my plants to run off and found something concerning. Nutes going in were ~1400ppm w/ ~6.5 ph. The runoff measured ~1400ppm w/ 5ph (maybe lower, I use drops, not a meter).

Should I be concerned, and if so, what is the best way to correct this?

Additional info:

day 32 since 12/12
coco/perlite medium
GH 3 part nutes

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Did you soak and buffer the coco ?

initially, I boiled the coco and perlite (kill any pests) in tap water, then transplanted them. That was 7-8 weeks ago

I dont grow in coco so might be best to ask someone who does like @Hellraiser. Don’t want to give you bad advice but I do know 5.8 is where you want to be and watering a lot being sure to never let it dry.

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How do your plants look?

I don’t measure my runoff. I just monitor my plants.

Hi @oldmarine

3 of my plants look gorgeous, 1 has looked pretty garbage since it was a baby. Yellowing, very purple stems, rusting.

I upped the nitrogen and Cal/Mag and epson salt on that one. The PH issue is only with the ones that look good though, so I dont know what to think HAHA

When growing in coco you really want a decent digital ph pen/meter to accurately measure and adjust the ph as needed. And yes, you should be watering coco at a ph of 5.8 instead of 6.5, which would be the correct ph for soil, not coco.

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That is a new one. Why boil? Was it being reused or something. What made you think it had pests? Coco in and of itself is neutral. What ever is done to it changes its pH. The ppm of 1400 in and out seems ok. Maybe a little high unless it is early flower.
Is this the first time testing pH?
I really recommend getting a decent pH pen. Apera pH20 is dependable and accurate and won’t break the bank. It is a tall order trying to match colors of a sample to a chart with much accuracy.
Photos always helps


This, and 1400ppm may be a little high. Coco should have also been buffered before planting in it.