Now if I could get my weed to grow like this, that would be great, yea…. Peach tree did great this year.
Those look amazing! Great job!!!
Starting the donation and canning process now. Who gets what and what we can. God blessed us
Good looking peach! We lost our peach crop this year in Michigan. Pretty sad about it, love peaches.
There’s nothing better than picking peach candy off the tree, and it’s soo sweet, that it hurts.
Someday again, and when it happens, you’ll see a kid come out of me. lol
What an awesome bountiful harvest. My peach, apple and pear trees are loaded this year. Still at least a month from any harvest here but the racoons wont leave anything by then . I quit spraying them 2 years ago cuz of the ringtailed bandit
Our problem is mockingbirds, cardinals, etc. The tree is at the back of the property about 50 yards and the birds look like dive bombers lol. Last harvest that was good was 2021. 22-23 we didn’t get good peaches - mites and insects got them.
I got peach leaf curl real bad this year. No peaches for me.
But my blueberries seem to have a bumper crop with the wet spring.
Nice looking crop, I am so jealous.
We raised black copper marans (dark brown eggs) for a period and lost several to those bandits. On 1 occasion the raccoons killed two hens inside the coop. The raccoons were able to reach thru the wire of the coop and behead the hens. We woke to find the aftermath and were confused. The coop was locked up and couldn’t understand what happened at the time. I went to the local county Co-Op to ask what the predator might be and he said likely raccoons. It wasn’t long after we validated it was indeed raccoons. When we were raising chickens the goal was to sell fertilized eggs; The market price was $120 a dozen. Shipping process is tough on the wallet hence the high price.
I would love to share these. No way we get to keep all of them. The life of a ripe peach is short!
Peach cobbler oh yummy! Been awhile for that!!!
Wife cans peaches when we get them along with pears.
Yessir that is a treat
“ I’m moving to the country, gonna eat a lot of peaches”
“ peaches come from a can, they were put there by a man, but not in a factory downtown”
As I sit here, staring at this crappy jar of dole peaches wishing I had one from the picture.
It’s quite possible that I’m stoned silly.
I burnt one tonight too
Happy Cake Day @Covertgrower
I miss peach trees. Muscadines. Crabapples. Blackberries. Huckleberries. As you can see my family is from deep south. Only cactus here in place I reside now.
Thanks @Lostgirl appreciate it! I’m going to be very medicated after work.
Be safe
I’ve survived this long…