Dang. That’s sweet
If you don’t mind I’ll and my $.02. I have a 3x3x7’ tent as do many other on this forum and I find it to be a great size and will accommodate four plants in 5-gallon pots quite nicely. Your SF2000 will do a respectable job in it but 2 would be better. It only has one more square foot more than your 2x4 but its shape is more conducive to 4 plants. 2x4 is great for 2 larger plants. As a matter of fact, I am building a 30x72" closet primarily for three plant grows.
These are four of the most productive plants that I have grown in the tent. They were just cut Sunday. Almost anything is possible.
A couple weeks ago I cut this purple kush. It was grown in a 24x24 scrog frame. A little over 12oz dried and in jars
Alright. Day 14 checking in technically… I think. I’ve been getting super high and nice off the last grow
So here we go. Girl Scout checking in. Looking fine albeit a few water droplet stains on leaves
Brucie #1 is taking fine to his transplant after he didn’t originally germinate with the others, but he’s the same “age” into soil and also has a few droplets. Oops
Gorilla? What’s up man… your leaves are showing strain and I need to figure this out. Been looking at guides, reading, blah blah.
So it’s either a calcium issue, which is weird in the beginning although I DO know I need CalMag like last time as my water is weird I guess. Could be strain from final potting into the 5 gal. Could be watering issue if I didn’t properly do a good spread gently around the seedling lately and maybe too much water.
I dunno, but here he is
I’ll figure it out. If there’s one thing I’ve learned after almost botching my first grow and panicking…
… and you ALL were amazing by the way…
@PurpNGold74 @Covertgrower @GreenJewels @Dr.ofSmokology @Audiofreak and a bazillion others
… I’ve learned that these babies will grow. Just gotta keep tending and hope for the best
Took another picture today. Any guesses on possible issues or should I just not stress about it and keep on keeping on?
It looks like you may have spider mites. I’d check the underside of the leaves with a loupe or a microscope if you’ve got em. Or just treat with Dead Bug/Neem oil at lights out if you’ve already got some.
Possibly potassium or manganese deficiency.
What’s your PH looking like? I’d have a harder time believing that your soil is deficient at this early stage than believing your PH may be wonky.
@Graysin I don’t think it’s mites, and I have the little yellow sticky things in there and they’re untouched as well.
It’s my fault definitely as I only dechlorinated the tap water to start, no nutes obviously. I never tested the pH of it standard by itself.
My first grow I never even tested pH till into at least week 6ish I think before realizing I should be testing.
So that’s my next step is to check what the base water is sitting at currently, which I’ll do within the next day or two as they don’t need to be watered again yet.
I do suspect possible pH though and not the FFHF soil as it’s fresh off the store shelf
That sounds like a sound plan and if your last grow taught you anything I bet it’s
@ThermoNukePanda do a quick google for a soil slurry test - you can just snatch some of your dirty and do a ph test with that. That’s how I check on my soil plant when she’s acting weird, since it’s in a 10gal pot she doesn’t need water more than once a week.
hey, where’d you find my picture?
No idea. She does NOT look happy tho. I would NOT guess PK deficiency this early. She still got her cotys? Also did you switch from soil? Looks like dirt to me
It’s all FFHF soil. Was a fresh bag too from the store
I’m certainly no expert but the fox farms feeding schedule has you adding nutes from week 1. didn’t see where you stated you have added any nutes. have you?
i know there in solo cups still but your problems are arising in solo cups. maybe need some small amount of nutes in there.
@Newbiedude I was going to begin nutes in small quantities this this week as they’re 14 days since being germinated. I’m hoping things will improve lol
yeah, i would personally add a small amount of nutes to it and see what happens. she is looking hungry.
checking that ph like graysin said would be most beneficial to you also. but if it’s the same water you made your last grow on without problems it might not be that. i don’t live on a municipal water line. i have well water. i don’t know if your municipal water, if that’s what your on, could change that much. guess it could depending on local conditions if they draw there water out of a local lake. all just a guess.
Well, we shall see. pHed the water to 6.7ish, made sure to add a little bit of grow big, added a touch of big bloom because you can never go wrong with da poopies (guano lol), and a smidgen of calmag as I know my water is deficient.
We shall see!
The funny thing is @PurpNGold74 is ALL THREE plants got the exact same soil. All three planted same time. All three got the same water and schedule.
So who knows why ONE of them is stupid with some deficiency or problem. It’s strange!
And so yeah… I guess I have to blame autoflowers I need to be taught the ways of the photo after I finish all these seeds (which at this rate might take a bit lol)
Sorry Panda Pop I meant not… my mistake. Bit soon for the PK to be heavy in demand
Whenever u take the leap. Ull be happy u did. Regular bred photo seeds are the way to go.
Genetics, man. The genetics are different from seed to seed. That hungry one who’s being a PITA right now is absolutely going to reward you with massive growth and fat buds. My one photo plant is a picky baby - seriously I have never seen such a dramatic plant. When the lights turn out she “sleeps” almost instantly, and if I dare to turn the lights on to check on the autos, her leaves start to get wavy and weird on me. But I have also legit snapped her in half twice now, accidentally lost a lower branch (creating a clone now from it), had spider mites, thrips, powdery mildew, and she’s an absolute beast. Like they say FFOF lasts for four to six weeks, right? She used all the nutes in a week. I call her Petunia sometimes. It sounds like you’ve just got an Auto Petunia on your hands. Trust me you will be rewarded for your efforts.