Panda's Growventures

Have you got yourself a trim bin yet for collecting Keif???


@Audiofreak Nope!!! So much waste. I still have a big Tupperware of all my trimmings from my first harvest and haven’t used it or bothered to bake.

Lazy panda ftw, but holy lord jesus I have enough to go around. I seriously just give away bags and stuff to friends and still have more than enough for myself lol


And the only reason I pick up errant buds (and throw them out cause I’m not smoking pet hair) is so my dogs don’t eat them off the floor :laughing:


Do it. I can help. :rofl:

More forgiving. Not necessarily easier.

Yeah, this.

Those are beauties.

Seriously. I used some larf even for concentrate and thought about how I thought people were monsters for wasting flower like that.


Get a bottle of everclear, freeze em both, run that sh!t thru a coffee filter onto a baking dish and forget about it for a week. You’ll get waxy goodness.

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I just make pucks and smoke it like hash.

it will stone the crap out of you.


Yeah I don’t even know how all that powder comes out. Like I just dry trim the plants, scrape off from the shears and my gloves and have little black hash balls I have smoked.

And yes… I got full on astronaut topping a bowl with some of that :laughing:


Yeah that’s where a trim bin comes in. All the trichomes that fall off while you’re manhandling it go thru the screen just like kief in a grinder.


@Graysin and like a tard panda who throws out buds on the floor I know I’m wasting a lot of “product” :joy:

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So I’m nodding my head at so many things you said Panda

I still have roaches but the longer I ignore them the less likely I am to do anything with them

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@Mr_Wormwood EXACTLY! Gimme the goodies and I don’t want no leftovers. Not even my own :laughing:

Okay listen. I’ll buy you a trim bin if you agree to send me all the stuff that falls through the screen. :laughing: you can also send me your trim if you want. I won’t say no. I may or may not be perfecting edible confections.


Well I dunno what a screen would actually catch. I think I trimmed so well last time even trimming on wax paper sheets and stuff that I had little to no crystal drop off and it all stayed on the buds :laughing:

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Also, happy Halloween everyone!


Happy Halloween to you too


You’ll be surprised. I sure was. I thought “everything is stuck to my trimmers I prolly wasted $60” and boy was I wrong!

Happy Halloween! :jack_o_lantern:

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Well, the big moment is coming yet again (well, for the second time at least haha)

Chop day is scheduled for this Saturday

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I pushed the Girl Scout Cookie strain to the limit it seems, at least MY limits. The sugar leaves are severely brittle and crystal as all heck but a large amount are dead and burnt and browned.

Been only giving water at least past two weeks. Got some huuuuuuuuja colas though lol

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Not the prettiest, but they’ll do :laughing:


Crispy or not, those trichomes can still come off in a nice ethanol wash. :drooling_face:

Oh buddy. Just trim them up. You’ll see. Bud of the Month material under those leaves, mark my words. :v:

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