I am a beginner, this will be my first grow. So, this may be a stupid question…
Is it possible to grow in a non heated building using non direct sunlight in the northern US during late summer fall season? I’d be growing in a barn with only a window here and there and no electicity. I’m not too concerned with yeild I’m just nervous that it may be too late in the year to attempt even with a up to par outdoor grow set up.
My questions are:
Even with an sufficient outdoor grow setup would I get any type of a yield using White Widow? Or would it get too cold before the plant had a chance to flower?
Is it too late at in the season for me to even attempt an outdoor grow?
if indirect sunlight is doable but the tempature isnt - are there any cheap setups to keep the tempature acceptable even out there?
If the tempature is doable, and indirect sunlight isnt - are there any battery powered lights worth using that I wont spend $1000 on battery during the course of the plants life?