Opinions appreciated Im at a crossroads

This is possible.
I have over 25 xl trays, i don’t use them all at once but typically I have 6-15 going at any 1 time.
Been useing them a couple years now and only 2 times have I had a float malfunction and both times was my fault.
I didn’t clean them like I should have the first time and the 2nd time I knocked out a little silicon peice when cleaning it and didn’t realize.
Also, the roots can sometimes try to eat the flotes and could cause a malfunction if we don’t kinda keep an eye on them.
They sale “pot socks” and/or “root control discs” that work great at holding the roots back, but mine are worn out and i have more pots then i do pot socks so I’ve just gotten use to once a week peak in at the floats and move any roots away ftom the floats. It helps me know when to clean them also.
Which can vary, I clean them between grows only most times. But I have had a few times my lines stop up in the middle of a long grow and need cleaned.
But it’s very easy to do.
Just close the value at the reservoir and unhook the lines, take then to the tub and run hot water through them and then hook it back up.

Here’s an older journal from when I first got them, it may have better information about them as i was learning them myself at that time.


Great info thanks! I just got some grobuckets, sub irrigated planter, also a bottom up feed system. Starting an organic grow now…


Awesome info TY ! And everyone else too!! :grinning: The watering thing is a real pain…Looking always to anything new.

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Can you tag me to your grow Doc?


Buy the Air Cube system. You will thank me later


I think I just heard a crack o thunder… ;> Huh…Now I gotta know… :thinking: :grinning: :upside_down_face: That;s a hella gotta follow up @AfgVet

I’m not clear on site do you have a /an grow with these, I see your quality posts every where TY ! And quite the endorsement there.

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