One plant shows signs of.. need some expertise guys!

This is the 4th week after sprouting. all plants have same soil, same schedules, same everything, the first plant that has very bright green colored leaves at the start performed the best from all three plants. she sprouted first, she grew the fastest also,but now all other plants overtook her kinda and her leaves started to turn bright green the last 3-4days. unluckily i didn’t see from the bottom or all plant in the same time. it s also the tallest now with the smallest diameter of the major trunk… i dont nderstand, all other plants are good they dont eed nothing, but this one like performed the best and now its just struggling… it cant be deficiencty i think, other both plants are very OK. is this maybe a fenotype that needs more of everything than the other plants? i sont want to risk to wed this one or to brng on more light, i risk to burn it, they are very young still… maybe needs more light? maybe just more water? i dont know guys… i never had a situation like this… :smiley:

-Age - now it already in the 4th week starting from sprouting
-Genetics - Mephisto genetics (autoflower) “fugue State”
-Medium - Organic soil, from my garden, nothing to add. some perlite…
-Pots - 4.5Gallon pots with big holes around everywhere so the roots have more oxygen and i cant overwater it (so it would be harder to overwater the plant and the soil dries out faster), i didnt transplant, i did put the seed straight into the big pots…no transplation means for me less problems and less chances to fk up everything, im capable of doing that :smiley: and for autoflowers every fk up day takes something away from the yield.
-PH - aprox 6.5 all the time, only in flowering i try to lower it a little to 6.3 (on soil), and i dont have any ppm meter and i never used one. (im using GHE 1-5-0) Ph down
-schedule - watering every 3d day with 50ml-75ml, next time (tomorrow) will up to 0,1liter for each with the idea to add 50ml every time as the plant gets bigger.
-TENT - grow size 2.4 - 3plants
-LED - Mars Hydro SP250 (231W from the socket), running 70-75W now (30-33%) at -35cm…
-Light schedule - 24/7 still , but will switch to 19/5 when first true leaves with 5 parts will be much bigger… no PAR /qmol meter yet but i ordered one, because light is one of the most 3 importnt things.
-Temps and RH - 55-60% all the time for now, temps 24-27* C…
-CO2 - im living in the house so there is always a aditional CO2, the meter shows usually steady 800, in this small room i can wiork for a hour and the ppm will go up even to 1300+ if im sleeping there it will go in the red line in 7h to even 2500ppm in the tent ,so temperature is NOT a problem , never was… plants have plenty of co2, i measure it always and i close the door so it stays there…
-NUTRIENTS - T.A. (Terra Aquatica) TriPart nutrients, didnt start to use them yet…

What soil are you using? Sorry if i missed that? Your environment sounds pretty good. I think your light might be too close.

These were 25 days old and im pretty sure i wasnt giving them that much intensity.

your 25y old plants look 10x bigger than mine in the 4week… the soil is from my garden, same soil i used before with good results, and the previous autoflowers did grow also very slow i remeber at the beginning, i harvested them in the end of week 16!!! :smiley: same soil…

Im suggesting you raise your light a bit and see how they respond. You are only 13 in. above them. When mine are that size im usually around 20-24 inches at 40% with my 200w(which should be about the same intensity as your light at 30%).
Another thing to consider is bad genetics. Autoflowers especially seem to have a much higher rate of getting runts out of seeds. Its happened to me, its happened to other good growers I know.

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i bought Mephisto because there just no bad reviews about them at all, coudnt find any + they are one of the top autoflower breeders i read alot. and light intensity would do harm to other plants right? i dont see any yellowing tips yet on non of the 3plants. but i will rise them, i will give plain water 2x more than the others today and will see how it reacts. this is the first time im putting so low the LED, usually i start also some 20-24inches starrting from 10% intensitu and going to 50% in the end of the first month only then i try to lower the LED - man i need that qmol meter…light questions would come out of the questions automatically…

The photone app for your phone is useful. Its not 100% accurate but its free and gets you in the ballpark for checking ppfd. Hopefully things turn around for you

I just got done growing out mephisto autos in soil. Very slow start and they only got about a foot tall. I think i harvested a 1/2 zip to a zip from each. Very small compared to my photos. Growing autos in soil is a slow go. Of course growing anything in soil is going to be slow. If the soil came out of your garden, what have you amended with since last grow around?

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the app on my android is just totaly unusable, but i eread alot peoplare happy with nwer iPhones… i irdered already a qmol meter for 170usd… i will be fine soon…

nothing actually its the same soil just form another place in the garden, should be same everywhere… oh shit, i didnt mention mychorisea, i used that also under the place i put the seed, i use it yes… it helps the root system to get bigger and faster… thats a fact… last grow was same slow grow, in one week i strted to give them 3x more water and they exploded, i have this theory that roots really pushing hard growing deep to search for water, its natural to have moremoisture unergound and while im using only 25-50ml each time im watering, i turn the soil moist mostly on the top part on that bucket, i think the lower roots are drie and dig deep to asearch for water… when i start to feed them the real amount of water, they just eplode… that was the last time, but the last time was also another genetics and i harvested in the 17 week :smiley: i got aprox 250gr dried from 3pklants… not bad for a 3d grow in my life, so this is the forth and i special choosed good breeder so genetics is not the question anymore… im kinda advancing… making a spreadsheat daily of everything, im digging deep :smiley: im a rsearcher haha :smiley:

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i ment the more deper underground ,the more moisture there is so the roots know to push deeper for searching of the water… while i water them very little water so only the upper part of the roots get wet, the lowest roots keep pushing hard lower and with the michorisea that happens faster… the theory is that if roots are big enough, slow start does not hurt and little water in the start of vegetation because when you will start to feed tem big time, they will react and would be able to catch up… the question is - does such a start prolong the process of maturing, also flowering, becase man, i fking harvested ast plants inthe start of 17week. they all where autoflowers. what the hell… !? they kinda flowered another time, i never saw someting like that… on one plant i got a 40cm flower 7cm wide… not fluffy not very hard… it was in flowering for aprox 3month, does autoflowers do things like that? i xcouldnt search for another autflower harvest in week 16/17, thats so rare… i m not suyre its because is stressed out thwe beginnging with this slow start method of little watering…

btw i dunno what you are growing wich seeds, but mine now are 80ish cm long, week 10 (flowering) the second is also nearly 80+ cm, the third , another 50cm (this one is a different seed) - all mephistos… you did something wrong i think… 30cm (1foot) thats too little, thats not “normal” i think… sometimes plants dont grow if you put too much light at the beginning… better is to have too less but not too much, so the plant wants to do a little “stretching”

Ive grown autos that were 5 ft tall. Ive grown autos that were less than a foot. Ive LSTd and HSTd autos. Ive pulled a QP plus off autos… These i did nothing to. I have over 40 strains of autos in my bean collection, so ill be growing some more. Just giving my experience with the last round i grew out. @BadGrandpa007