Old School Vs Now?

When I hear todays weed is stronger then the old school weed I think its the opposite I was lucky to have a older brother that was dealing hash and had the best connection for high grade weed back in the late 70.s most of it came from California to Texas were we as teenagers at the time I smoked weed that would scare the crap out of you Hurl your guts up from getting to high and a non stop ringing in your head Thats what I’m talking about To this day and time I haven’t had that kind of weed in over 40 yrs now.


I am from the northeast and the stuff around when I started smoking in the late 70s was mostly brick weed from Mexico…but occasionally some better stuff. I got really high back then…but I think time makes us remember it better than it actually was. The modern Hybrids have really upped the THC levels. THC is not everything, and I wish “we” did a better job at preserving some of the old genetics.


There’s a couple things to consider. One is that you probably have a lot higher tolerance now. Another is that your weed today is probably a lot cleaner than what was typically in circulation 50 years ago. However, potentially the biggest reason is due to the commercialization of cannabis. The hip movement on cannabis for the least 20-30 years has been to drive thc levels up. By selectively breeding for elevated thc content the terpene profiles and other cannabinoids of classic cannabis strains have been trampled. And many of these have a direct correlation to how thc effects you. These other items are the reason one strain may destroy your buddy but not you. Or you may feel like you get a better high from some weed at 20% thc than another at 25-30% thc. The same could be said scent and flavor.


I wish. We are destroying the plant with our crossbreeding. I truly believe we are taking away a lot of the goodness chasing suPer high lvls of THC. Some of the high is lost. Thc isnt all that makes you high or medicates you. Its like a solid well aged bourbon at 80 proof versus a 190 everclear. The bourbon is mellow. Hits nice and even. Enjoyable to sip. Everclear is a sledgehammer pounding a tack. Good for punch or a watermelon only.


Old school vs now. Very easy math, my lungs are 45 yrs older.

       What i would give to be able to smoke some of what i have grown now back in my 30s were i could really give it a grade.

When i used to get off the porch to run with the big dogs. Or when i could hit a bong of 20 inches and a chamber from hell with out a hack, as compared to my tiny 12 inch tall killer now.

Look at the advancement in equipment thst is available to buy and used to grow now days compared to old school. Digital testing devices. Tds/pH/DLI meters etc…

     Last note, old school was reading high times to learn, now, free ilgm forum to learn.

No doubts, technology had advanced our plant.


I still have to say regardless being a tolerance issue The weed I smoked was a step above the rest that my friends would have!

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The plants genetics have always been capable of high THC. Back in the 70s I would run into someone selling sensi and for me it was one and done. Too long ago to know how strong it actually was. Plus I am much older and have more health problems and weed just makes me more aware of those pains most of the time. So its hard to compare. Overall the product we grow now is no doubt stronger, but it feels different in some ways but that could just be because I am different too…


Maybe it’s the pesticides that people are missing so fondly but don’t realize it


Was half joking but it’s not impossible if we’re talking nasty brick weed. My honest answer is I think it’s like trying to unbreak an egg. I can’t recapture that intensity of the first year or so of smoking (90’s). Nearly everything was creeper and the high would last a couple hours. I can get higher than I’m comfortable with on today’s high levels and concentrates but it’s still not like “the good old days “ if that makes sense :thinking:


Probably the paraquat


Never said anything about nasty brick weed That was somebody else’s comment My brother had standers, and anything from Mexico wasn’t on the menu


Likely a good landrace pure blood sativa! I’ve seen people panic and nearly pass out from smoking too much. We use to get a lil good smoke back when from Hawaii and one ol piggie use to call punta bud? Homegrown and brick weed aka Reggie were the norm.


You had purer strains back then. Much cleaner high than you get these days. Everything now is crossed with this and that. However, that has caused an increase in thc percentages. High enough to the point where I have to clear my schedule if I’m going to smoke much like if you’re gonna drop some shrooms.

I will forever miss the original Maui Waui. That shit was a giggle factory for me.


I only get that feeling when some a$s hat sprayed the bud with been oil or some other toxic crap.
I hear that happened a lot in the 70’s.

Yeah we were getting high on the paraquat not the weed…

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Wasn’t saying you did. Just spit balling. Opinions welcomed? I’m relating my experiences.

Edit: Didn’t mean to imply that you said that and I admit I forgot that you covered that by the time I chimed in. It was late and I was opining based on my experiences in my youth.


I’m with you my friend. @Riskguy It was no different in the south most of the time compressed weed full of seeds. Some better than others. The difference today Quality weed available 100% of the time.
Occasionally back in the day Some quality green bud would float through but it would not last long.


Back in the 70’s it was mostly brick weed.Lots of hash at times,occasionally Colombian red.One would smoke a nickel bag of brick weed($15) in one bong fest only to get a headache with a mild buzz.Colombian red was sooooo much better.
Then indica showed up($60 a full zip).Indica would rock my warped little world.Tolerance would increase with use.
Then all kinds of differently named strains showed up.Some would end a night out if one wasn’t careful (ask me how I know).Once again tolerance would increase with use.
IMO from the AVAILABLE weed of 50 years ago some was terrible and some was outstanding.
With all the research on todays weed.A person can grow/buy weed that fits there situation.back in the day we didn’t have that option.
Racy uplifting weed or from mild to down rite narcotic effect.I personally like the choice as i primarily use it for post cancer issues and sleep.
IMO the weed we grow today is better. ,with one exception.A close friend returned from Vietnam with some.Im telling you that was the most long lasting narcotic buzz I’ve ever experienced.
I got older(refuse to grow up)in the Fingerlakes area of NYS ,now in the Dark Corner of SC.
This is a great thread,I really enjoy everyone’s experience thru the years.


The old red bud was one of my favorites.