Not budding it's been three weeks

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Definitely no light leaks and timer is on 12/12

300 W LED grow light full spectrum

I see pistils all over. Some plants are just slow. Once it catches it should take off. Make sure that there are no stressors (pH, Over/under watering, light leaks or any trimming being done that would slow the growth of the plant) How often and what are you feeding? PPM of food. If all these are good, the biggest thing is PATIENCE. No matter how much we want to, sometimes the plant marches to itā€™s own beat.


Fill out that support ticket that either me or paranorman posted, itā€™ll help us her a better idea of the situation

COPY/PASTE: This ā€œSupport Ticketā€ into your forum post.
Answer these simple questions the best you can.
If you do not know, or do not use something; Just say so = NA

Strain; Type, Bag seed, or NA:
Soil in pots, light warrior mycorrhizae & humid acid

System type: my own Fan, Humidifier, LED

PH of runoff or solution in reservoir? NA

What is strength of nutrient mix? BioThrive Bloom 2-4-4

Indoor or Outdoor, indoor

Light system, size? 300 W LED

Temps; Day, Night 80 deg

Humidity; Day, Night 30/40

Ventilation system; Yes, No, none

AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier, Humidifier

Co2; No

12/12 lighting for five weeks
Add a gross stone for gnats
She looks really healthy a lot of errors no buds

Sorry I didnā€™t see your support ticket above! :thumbsup:

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Itā€™s all good brother

My opinion she is flowering mostly or pure sativa the white hairs are clear indicators of this


@mwillemain your girls do look really good!

What kind / strain are they?

pH is NA?

Apparently I need a PH tester thatā€™s next on my list


yeah, I would highly recommend that the pH tester is your very next purchase along with pH UP and pH DOWN so you can adjust the water.

Keeping the pH in the sweet spot will make your baby grow big and healthy and eliminate most of your worries.

@mwillemain what strain are your plants? They look indica on one part and sativa on another? Or itā€™s my eyes, lol

How far away from the tops of your plant is your LED?

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What is the sweet spot for PH 5.5?

My LEDā€™s are about 12" away

Thank you for helping me Iā€™m also from Massachusetts

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you are welcome @mwillemain welcome aboard! Bunch of us on here!

Let me look back up and see what you are growing inā€¦

Light Warrior is a soil. Is that what is in most of your pot? If so then you want to be slightly acidic at 6.7 ish going inā€¦ usually. depends on the pH of your runoff.

So start the next watering at 6.7 and then check the runoff to see where it is at. Also if youā€™re using municipal water in MA then you need to let your water sit out open for I would recommend 48 hours to let the chlorine evaporate. Chlorine and MJ donā€™t get along real well.

Ok bob Iā€™m going to my local grow and get a tester. Run off you mean the water that comes out the bottom of the pot

yes. Water it slow with the water, one or two cups over 5 minutes wait a few minutes one or two more and then mop up the runoff water into a cup and test the ph of it as well.

remember to test the pH after you have added everything else to the water. My guess is water out of your tap is probably 7.2 ish and after you add nutrients you probably arenā€™t too far off of the goal.

I donā€™t know where you get your stuff, but donā€™t spend a lot of money on the testers. you donā€™t need a $60- tester to start off growing one or two plants. If you were growing 12 plants Iā€™d say spend the extra $

This is definitely budding. My only thought would be looks like she might like stronger light. See how the leaves in the top two node are stretching up then they jus stop reaching the third node down.


Thanks ā€œStomperā€ Iā€™ll lower my light a few inches