Noob question about weather

So I have my grow site set up finally, but it’s been unseasonably cool and rainy in NE. I want to move the first one I’ve been vegging out to it, but I’m afraid of all this late rain we keep getting. The site is deep in the woods so once it’s out there, it’s there till October or whenever​ the early Frost’s start coming (probably is early September, #F@&$globalwarming). Basically my question is should I hold off another week n hope the rain every other day finally stops or do you think my plant can handle it? I have it in a 5 gallon pot with FFOF n about 25% perlite. The plant is a good ft tall easy, I’ll upload a pic in a minute, n I’m just basically scared poopless all the work I’ve put in thus far will be wasted.
@Hogmaster I know you grow outside like a beast @Donaldj I’m pretty sure it was you with some outdoors plants on a thread too
If you two could weight in and maybe tag some more ppl on here that grow gorilla to help me with my decision I would be forever grateful

Tony b

my supreme haze chilling in my makeshift veg spot with her blueberry auto seedlings sisters that’ll be going outside with her too once the are bigger

@Countryboyjvd1971 tbh I’m not sure if you have outdoor grow experience or not, everyone’s grows are tending to merge in to one big magazine of bud porn at this point, but I see you’re active on other threads this morning. Advice would be soooooo appreciated buddy (:
@bob31 you’re ushally up early so I’ll just tag you too so… Tag xD
@garrigan62 you’re just pro af so hopefully you’re awake :stuck_out_tongue:

Good morning @Tonyb what are you night time lows and how old is the plant?

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I live in mass, it’s not getting below 50, it’s more the constant bombardment of rain we’ve been getting I’m worried about. As for age… Probably should of wrote that one down lol. It’s probably about a month n a half old though. The location has no tree cover at all. It’s basically going to be chicken wire fenced in in the middle of a swampy like Reed patch that has dirrected sunlight from 9 till… Haven’t been out there at sun set cuz I work all the time but basically full sun all day

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Ok so temps are ok bro and I might wait maybe another week then put it outside under some shade light for another week to get her used to the sun light then go out and transplant to her forever home that should give her enjoy a head start to handle outdoors weather is changing for the best now I think lol


RN I have her in a make shift veg tent with 200ws for CFL n a Mars hydro 300w. Before that I had her in front of my screen door to my balcony so she should be ok with the cold nights. Do you think shell need shade for a week still? My spot is in some deep woods n I found the only sunny spot without full on tree coverage. Do you think the light I got her under might be enough to acclimate her to sun light? N no transplanting needed, she’s in her 5 gallon pot she’s going to live in. Just transportation is needed lol

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I would love to do an outdoor grow but I don’t have time to hunt for good spot then tend to them several times a week if it’s unpopulated it’s not close enough @Willd @kabongster


Ty for tagging the right ppl for my question!


I’m not sure since you had it in natural sun she may be ok I always have that transition week my self or you run the risk of sun bleeching your plant ?
And ok :ok_hand: thought you where going to put her in the ground
As I said the temps are ok if not getting below 50
She’s only been in veg for a few weeks now since first 30 days is sprout and seedlings stage ?
Let’s see what wild and kabongster say
I put my two cents worth out lol


Look at the help sorry just got up

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@Hogmaster once you clear you head read a few post back and let us know what you think kiddo
Should he still transition plants ? And at six weeks from seed ? Ready to go out

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If it were me personally I would put it outside now I’ve had my plants go through frost them a thrive through it like a champ I don’t condone it but sometimes you don’t have any other choice I don’t know much about Your soil up there me personally I can put mine directly in the ground and they do great but being in a 5 gallon pot of Fox-farm that’s what I use as well and they do great in the ground but our soil is different but I know there’s a lot of people from your area on here and I’m pretty sure now that I’ve read it all again if you’re just going to put them outside start out in the shade a little bit they should be fine in full sun but mine are actually in a real wooded area and orange shade part of the day as well for that reason hope this helps happy growing

Biggest question was on transitioning to sun light
He had they in window but went to led and cfls
Do you think he’d be ok going right out ? @Hogmaster

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Yeah after I had a brain fart I read it all again and changed what I wrote LOL. And yes I think it would be fine with the plant being that many weeks old just keep an eye on her you will know within the first two or three days if she likes it or not then you can move it into the shade if you have to that won’t hurt it either mine are in the shade for part of the day that I have out very deep woods


Thanks brother man @Hogmaster I didn’t want to steer him wrong

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My main concern is rainy weather that doesn’t seem to want to end more or less. I don’t want her to get overstaturated

I was worried about the same thing the season myself it’s been raining an inch to 3 inches every other day I would almost put it where it’s protected by some of the leaves and conditions outside

just checking in…good advice so far…watch for sun damage, temps are steadily improving, a cloudy day provides enough energy for transition and blocks direct sunlight damage. FFOF has good drainage

do you have a way to water figured out, and nutrients will be needed, maybe pretty soon…a 5 gallon pot for a summer outdoor grow may get tight.

Expect a frost by October 10th, my date for Connecticut, you may be a few days earlier in MA.

A haze is sativa dominant, that’s a long flowering season…for my outdoor plants flowering started mid to late August.


@Tonyb My plants have been outside in 5 gallons pots for a couple of weeks. I’m in RI so getting the same crappy weather you are. I left them in pots specifically for that reason and because it’s been unseasonably chilly and wanted to be able to bring then in if needed. Honestly my plants are doing better since I put them out even with the rain. Can’t say the same for my cucumbers that I think have drowned. Sunday I’m gonna dig their holes and put the girls in the ground. :grinning:

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