Using 6" fan inside tent but not using vent syst yet. Have used cool mist humidifier outside but doesnt seem to work with my basement being in the low 60’s. No CO2.
What I’m noticing is her stretch between nodes and her color. Is she suppose to get brighter? I keep her under a plastic cover but once the ‘light on’ time happens, she seems to be perspiring. I also have a question about the soil. Using ‘Apotforpot’ method & haven’t watered to run-off since I created it on Oct 6 except for every few days of watering around her to get her root to search for water. Does it have to be so dry. I have a moisture meter in the soil and its in the red as you can see in the pic. Can someone give me some advice please?
Your RH is high enough that you shouldn’t need the dome. She’ll get more light without it which should darken her up a bit. I would raise your feed pH slightly (The sweet spot for soil grows is 6.5-6.8. Since that’s a mix maybe 6.3-6.5). Never let your soil/media dry out completely, it will damage the roots and kill off soil microbes. The best way to gauge it is to get familiar with how your pot feels after a full feeding and how it feels almost dry. You can stick a finger in the soil closer to the edge of the pot to get a little idea of what’s going on below the surface. You’re also going to need to add nutrients eventually. I know the P4P people claim you won’t need them, but you will. 1 gallon of soil isn’t enough to even get a decent plant through veg. I recommend Jacks Hydroponics 3-2-1. It’s cheap, simple to mix, and works great.
Hello again, ILGM forum. On day 18 with QT. A Cream auto from Growers Choice Seeds. She’s housed in a 5 gal (Apotforpot) rig w/ super-soil bttm; coco coir mix top soil. Feeding pH-6.59 bottled water only. Indoor/tent single plant grow. Using 4x3x72 but is one of those 3-in-1 (2-prop/germ areas/1-grow area) tent. Using 3x3 area w/ MarsHydro tsw 2000 LED placed 18"
PPFD: 650 using 110w
Temp(day): 71F; (night): 68F
rH(day) 55%; (night): 50%, Exaust syst not on; 6" fan in tent & 10" fan blowing outside of tent’s lower duct inward.
Warm-mist humidifier intent on low; no dehumidifier; no CO2.
I haven’t posted since day 12 so here is her pictured history.
On day 15 below I was just opening the tent and saw this miser slithering down its web. So, that’s when I first used the neem oil solution.
Day 16
This was before I got a warm-mist humidifier…
…and this is her afterwards. Honestly, as soon as I hooked up the humidifier, she was satisfied, for now.
Day 17
This is QT currently,
Now I’m still having trouble understanding the watering concept with Apotforpot or not. My last post I stated that I haven’t watered the pot to run-off or near at all. I water the pot every two days, lately, with 6 0z of ph water. I mist the top soil every couple of days as well. I mist under her as well every few days.
So I got a scale and I placed the pot on it and it says 10 lbs.
So, my question is for Apotforpot, do I water it until I see a bit of run-off then, allow the liquid to be reabsorbed by the pot? I’m at a lost. I’m patiently waiting for her to tell me something, do to the dryness of the pot. Any advice?
@erode16 You should water thoroughly. With a plant that size in a large pot, it should last 5-7 days before needing to water again.
It is important to soak the soil all the way to the bottom. It will dry out slowly from the top and as it does, the roots will search out the moisture at the bottom of the pot and develop much quicker. Watering a little every day or two just concentrates all the moisture in a small percentage of the pot and roots will have a tough time establishing themselves.
I have another question. How do you know when you’ve transitioned from seedling to veg cycle? & how early can I start LSTing?
@erode16 We are right together in plant age. My plants are 18 and 20 days above ground. I started with LST for one day and then felt it was too soon so she’s still curved. I have the 2 gal kits and I’m growing Sour Diesel and Girl Scout Cookies Extreme. 2.3x2.3x5.3 tent with SF 1000 light. Humidifier… AC Infinity… small fan. They have been growing great although I think I started out over watering with my medium too wet. Happy growing
A Pot for Pot doesn’t recommend watering to runoff i think. The soil is very hot. I’ve only watered mine to a decent runoff once because it was acting locked out. I’m in about 3rd week of flower now and I give her 1 gallon of just pH’d water and it gives me a couple drips of runoff and she loves it. The little runoff I have got always tests around 3000 ppm still. Next time you water her lift her and feel how heavy she is. Then when the top soil is dry lift her again and you’ll notice how much lighter she is and ready to be watered.
super cropped and alot of LST.
Thanks for the always helpful input. I was wondering if you use any nutes in early veg cycle, or do you just wait and see what the plant does? My plant is doing good so far but this morning I noticed a few of these spots on her.
Lights are 22" @ 550PPFD using 110w.
I’ve been using bottled purified water pHed to 6.5. I neem oil her every two days but is it suppose to be before lights out or when it’s time for her mist feeding? I feed(mist) her two hours after she awake. This is her today:
I haven’t used any nutes at all until this morning’s watering. I added a half dose of Cal-Mag because I have some yellowing leaves and some rust spots. Almost red/purple looking. I was told it has a nitrogen deficiency starting maybe. Nothing but water until now though.
Here’s another look at what I’m seeing. It seems to be spreading. Can someone tell me what’s going on with her? I only neem-mists her every 2-3 days. Her feed is only purified bottle water(ph 6.1 so I ph’d it to 6.5. I’m using a warm-mist humidifier with tap water. Lights: MarsHydro tsw 2000 (550 PPFD @ 22" /using 110w.
Cute plant! She looks like she would do well with introducing LST at this time. The minor discolorations on her leaves looks like maybe water got and sat on her leaves? Maybe from neem spraying (which should always be done out of direct light) or from the mist from the humidifier (ideal humidity is around 50% at this time) When water droplets sit on leaves, they can act like little magnifying glasses and burn the leaf beneath. But overall, she looks healthy!
Hello. Updating on my Cream Auto from GCS.
Day 41/5(pre-flower)
MarsHydro tsw 2000 using 150watts @ 20"/ PPFD 800
Heater(timer) in basement(temp in basement 64 F)
Humidifier(timer): on
Dehumidifier: none yet
Tent temp: 72 F(day)/ 70 F(night)
rH: 57%(day)/ 55%(night)
Water: 1.5L pH’d to 6.6 (no runoff)
Feed: 1.5L pH’d to 6.6 w/ FFBG(1ml/gal) & cal/mag(1.5ml/gal)
Use above every 4 days until she tells me something. (ex; water, feed, water…)
Have kept her base clear of leaves but now the upper canopy is getting crowded. Should I SOG in a week or so?
Is there anything else I can give her during this stage of pre-flowering to aid her in getting bigger?
How long can I continue using LST on her?
When is flushing possible during the grow cycle? Do you need to flush with Apotforpot once it gets to harvesting time?
I’m afraid I don’t know the answer to any of your pot for pot specific questions. I feel bad your not getting any love down here at the bottom of the forums. This is actually the first time I’m noticing this thread. The plant looks healthy so I wouldn’t give it any nutrients right now to try and make it bigger. You can continue lst indefinitely. When you are happy with the shape I would just let it ride and then minimal lst to keep the canopy even as needed. Flushing is possible at any point in the grow cycle but would usually be done for a reason. Why do you want to flush? I would imagine if your plant hasn’t drained the soil of nutrients by harvest time, I’m betting it will, then yes you would want to flush. If I had to guess though the soil won’t carry you that far and you will need to supplement with nutes in flower at some point.
If I were you and had any pressing concerns I would post in another topic like beginner or indoor I think you will get more reads and responses that way.
A pot for pot didn’t recommend flushing unless there was an issue I believe. My understanding was to water with minimal to no runoff because their soil mix is setup to get you thru veg and flower. I think they said if you do add nutes use 1/3 of recommend dose. I never had to add nutes other than cal mag a little while in flower because of deficiency signs. Could have used some nutes near the end more though probably. Yours look good and healthy. Not sure if they recommend flushing for harvest but I’m close so I have been running extra water thru on water days to get the ppms lower.
I kept doing LST on her until she was flowering. I stopped just to prevent stunting her. This is my first grow so just learning as i go.
Hello @EYE69MYSELF. Your project is going very well it seems. I need to know what is your light cycle for her when she began to flower or before? 18/6 - 12/12?
My pot is on day 10 of flower but she seem to be wanting less light than the 18/6 cycle she’s always been on.
Her top leaves are starting to taco. I’m assuming it’s the 73.5 F heat above her canopy.
I was on 18/6 but had to swap to 12/12 because I was having issues with heat before I upgraded fans. You can run any light schedule you want with autos. They’re on their own schedule. 74 isn’t bad at all for temps. My temps stay at 75-80 during the day with the lights on. How close are your lights to the canopy?
They’re 21" @ 150 watts. The lights gets up to 72-74 during day and 68-70 lights out.
Are you using your tent to the fullest? Meaning, is you tent fully enclosed? I have a vent opened to relieve the heat and I don’t have the filter hooked up to the exhaust right now although my basement is starting to smell. The tent really heats up when I hooked up the filter. Do you have any remedies for excess heat?