When I goto this link there is not a reply button. Hard to help that way.
Hmm: I have a Reply button pop up. Maybe reboot your platform?
No reply button for me either.
Same here
Same on this end
same…no reply button
Weird. @dbrn32 any thoughts? I did go ahead and respond to the O. P.
I have one on iPhone
Can any of you check to see if there is still an issue? Hard for me to say when all looks good from my perspective.
Seems fine now.
edited to add: Umm…I’m stupid…there isn’t a reply button. lol
No reply as of right now.
Oh man lol!
@ILGM.Roy @ILGM.Sharon please reference first post in this topic. Do either of you of anything recent that would cause this?
Edit… that topic was set so that public replies weren’t allowed. I changed for time being. Let me know if you would like set back original. Or if you would like topic moved to somewhere it can get more traffic.
Not sure what my deal is…late in the day? lol There still isn’t a reply on laptop or iPhone.
No reply button still on windows PC.
Still no options on Android tab
That’s odd. The reply is there for me. This somehow get set to level 4 only? I’m not seeing anything to suggest that.
I can see and use it but it doesn’t work
I just did a reply and nothing
No reply for me on iPhone.
Interesting. It let me reply. It must have some sort of level 4 filter on it since it lets mods reply.
No reply button for me