No growth for 3 weeks now

Trying to grow my last two ladies for the year. I’m spraying them with water between 6.3-6.7 ph They are Girl Scout auto’s born about three weeks ago and have just stoped growing. I used Happy Frog medium. Put them under a large sky light. I can’t put them outside because it has been very hot in Arizona. I put them under some grow lights a couple days ago and no results. They will eventually go outside when they get bigger. Any idea’s

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Based on their appearance they are not getting enough light. Putting them in a window will not work as the window glass stops about 98% of the light hitting it.


It has been 108-115 degrees where I live. They start to wilt when I put them in the sunlight?

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Dappled shade or full shade ought to work. The high temps should not be an issue unless you allow them to dry out.


I will put them outside in the shade and see what happens…Thanks