everything started off ok but after 1 week they stopped growing. 10 white widow 10 super skunk and 5 northern lights cannot figure what is going on and I don’t want to do anything crazy without some feedback, I have way to much invested. have them inside in soil : 50% potting soil and 50% perlite ph of runoff is 6.6 to 6.8 and I have not fed them yet bc they are not quite 2 wks old, I have them under cfl 6500K with 2-6 in and 2-4 in fans ( 1 intake and 1 out of each) temps are bt 75 -84 during the day and 62 - 70 at night with 30%-50% humidity no co2 ive been following the proper watering schedule with distilled water, this is my second grow and my first went well with no problems but this one took a turn for the worse please help
Hi Moonlight…I would bring that ph down to around 6.0 or even 5.5 it seem to be a bit high for seedlings and see how that works for ya
sorry to bother you but i couldn’t find out to post my question so if this is the wrong place I apologize. they all germinated fine and grew ok for about 4 days and then they stopped and have not grown in the last 8 days. they are starting to turn yellow and one of the northern lights has a weird spot on the leaf. getting worried and don’t want to do anything crazy to make it worse but I also don’t want to lose my whole investment
Strain; Type, Bag seed, or NA 10 white widow 10 super skunk 5 northern lights
Soil in pots, Hydroponic, or Coco? soil in pots (6in) 50% potting soil 50% perlite
System type?
PH of runoff 6.6-6.8
What is strength of nutrient mix? EC, or TDS not quite 2 wks old so I haven’t fed yet
Indoor or Outdoor indoor
Light system, size? cfl 16000 lumens
Temps; Day 72-80 Night 62-70
Humidity; Day30%-50%, Night same
Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size yes 2-6 in and 2-4in fans (1intake and 1 out of each)
AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier, no
Co2; No
tried to upload my pics but it says they are too big ???
I’m going to agree that the pH could probably be closer to 6.0 in this case, it does look a little like some nutrient deficiencies that might be from a pH a little too high, but it might also be from your soil being a little deficient in some nutrients.
Trying to get an idea of what the nutrient concentration (EC/PPM), as well as what the pH is in the soil, more accurately and more representing what it would be at the root zone, could help.
Knowing what the starting NPK values of the soil is supposed to be might help as well.
You could try checking it in the manor described in Robert’s blog here: