Just pic of your Nitrpogen Minus plant? She is ready to sleep… Please anyone Add a pic. I can’t understand all the drawings and don’t know what I’m doing.
Not stressing but have nute starved her and have been hard on her for the last 4 weeks. Ready to let her stretch. Last Ph 7.17 tap only IN. PH 6.45 PPM 980PH OUT.
Yesterday gave her 1.25/ 1.5ish, FF trio. PH 6.89 and PPM 2820 IN. Same Out.
Again just going to keep messing with her. (I can’t help it.). I think I’m on the right track.
Yep. Needed to keep her as slow growing as possible. FIM, top(3x on all but 2 mains), LST, super crop. Almost schwaded that pore girl after I got off a work call today. Just doing semi-random acts of kindness. Water and Nutes are the focus this round. Again, this was one that wasn’t supposed to pop up.
Moving sucks but to a permanent home 2 weeks.
@ChittyChittyBangin following your grow with the manifolding. That’s next with the bigger clone. Then Bamboo and baling wire. Good name for a county song or for metal. Probably better metal…
With so many pictures and so many points of interest and diagnosis, it’s hard to tell what I am looking at and keep them straight.
I agree. I probably want to ease her back into it not slam her with a high dose. after starvation. I’ll look at the in/out on the next water only and report back. 1.5 gal to run off. If still high ppm then water only again until down to the 800-1000 range? Then feed again next dry cycle?
Hey @Took1-4theteam They turned out great! Took a little hiatus. Just started an amnesia haze. 5 weeks in topped and mainlined. I’ll let it grow out a bit and post pics before I top her again.
And the kink fetish begins! Currently, just have them under the small Spider Farmer in the closet for a week or two letting them stretch out a bit then under the Blackbird for the main show. Shooting for 16 colas Maybe 32. See how long it takes to get to 16. Going to let them stretch since That blackbird will light all the way down and I have 8 sidebar lights on the way.
I am really interested in seeing what happens.