Newbie questions ... planning my setup

I am glad
I do not like to hide things from my wife I feel guilty
I am glad you do not have to sneak around anymore it can make things wierd.
My lil nephews see mine when they come over and they just know thats uncles “flower” garden

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What I am using
What I was going to use but didn’t ship here :frowning: yes they are cheap but 210 actual watts less over driven than the roleadro


I thought I just needed an intake fan. I need an exhaust fan too? Or are they the same thing?

Would this one work?

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That one would work. Did you see the ones donaldj posted above? Lots of growers have that roleadro light here.

I run 4 spaces on single fan so no you don’t need intake fan you need to have passive intake which requires a space is mostly sealed so exhaust draws fresh air (negative pressure)

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Oh I thought those were ads. LOL. Are those better than the one I posted?

Now I’m confused. I thought I needed a carbon filter with an intake fan and duct. Put it inside my tent hanging at the top with the filter, then the fan and then the duct going out of the tent. I’m missing something?

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@jmorse28 just an exhaust fan. No intake.

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No you aren’t missing anything if exhaust is pulling air through filter and out of space the air it pulls out needs replacing, this can be replaced passively by having intake vents or assisted with a fan pulling more fresh air in. By keeping a space mostly sealed you can control rate of air replacement by size of intake vent Neg pressure means that exhaust pulls air fast enough to suck air into vents. This is Ideal in that it means smells can’t escape being filtered intake fans reduce workload on exhaust fan so they don’t need to pull as hard to exchange air. In most cases you still want neg pressure as it draws heat and smell out through filter think of putting your hand over vaccum motor works harder to suck if air is constricted


So then the tent needs to have vents? Everything I see is a carbon filter and inline fan combo. So this is the wrong thing to get?

I think you’re getting a little confused with all the tech talk. Lol. Yes, you need to get the fan and filter you linked, that’s your exhaust to get rid of smell and heat. What @Donaldj is talking about is the intake which replaces the air that the exhaust removes. This creates a negative pressure in the tent. You don’t have to use an intake fan, but it helps the exhaust fan if you do by helping to replace that exhausted air. Does that help?

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Thanks I was trying not to be too technical while explaining why you don’t need two fans just and exhaust. I did leave CFM total volume and minimum rates out :wink:


Lol, yes you didn’t get too technical, but it can still be confusing to someone who’s never done this before.


Ok so the vents would be fine but I’m better off sticking a fan in one of the vents? Yeah, tech talk makes my head hurt.

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Yes, you can actually get a smaller inline fan for your intake, but it’s not necessary.

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Ok. Now to figure out my light situation. This is a friggin’ project!

It is a project, no doubt, but it’s worth it to do the research you’re doing and get it right. This way you won’t waste your money on things that don’t work.

I just think it’s funny to put so much work and money into a $13 seed. I know that’s not the end result but the actual seed is the least expensive thing. It’s like having a newborn and buying all this expensive stuff for it’s nursery.

My grow tent came in today. Hoping the seeds arrive next week. So I need to have everything set to go because I need to be HOPEFULLY drying by June since I will be going out of the country in July. Then I can start a new plant when I return.


You’ll probably be able to harvest at the end of June. Either of the two lights that the guys posted will work for you. You just have to choose, or you can make one.