New light, was it worth it?

The HLG was the last light purchased.
with the other eight the 4x4 tent is full, for sure.
Could have done HLG for a full summer run without heat burn as experienced.

Story of my life, mistakes are fixable, with time. Not always pleasant.


Better in the 70’s, if you got smoke.


:+1: :+1: Kids are out of the house, educated, grandparenting is great, mortgage is paid, my time is free time. God I love being retired. Have to make the most of it while I can.


SOOOO is the ProGrow 640 a good choice of upgrade from 3x 1000 single lights

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The PAR maps are impressive. My question is its spectrum. No doubt it has red but blue and the wavelengths in between are much less than, for example, HLG. Even when compared to your Vipars

The spectrum will affect how plants grow, I can’t say what the overall impact will be.