New help with leaves 🍃 plz

Having issues with leaves turning yellow and crispy on the ends. Im about in third week of flower and she has been thristy. I normally give her water every other day. Temps around here have been higher :smirk: than usual. Appreciate any help
Autoflower…lemeon haze
Indoor tent
Ph in…6.5
Temp 81
Rh 65
Soil…big rootz
Nuts…foxfarm tiger bloom
Ro…last time was about 1200

Are you also feeding Grow Big and Big Bloom? You need all 3. How about cal/mag?

Can we see a pic of the whole plant? Don’t worry about it if it is just the lower leaves.


Appreciate the quick jump on. I did use some big bloom. Using this soil i was under the impression that it wouldn’t need much nutes. Haven’t added anything else. Heres a full shot.

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If you’re going to use FF, then here is their feed schedule. At a minimum, you need the trio at the top plus cal/mag.


Thank ya sir. Ill have to pick up some cal/meg… since I’m flower and only using tiger bloom at this point.
So the yellowing and burnt tips is most likely a nutrient deficiency?

That would be my best guess.


Appreciate it :sunglasses:

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Plants are looking better :heart: