Do these look ok?
Quite normal for the new grouth to be lighter green. If it all over the plant watch it, if just on new grouth should be ok.
The more I look at yours the less I think this may be the same thing. Need more picts of intire plant.
Definitely more pictures. But on the right plant we got an old fan leaf light green. So it’s not just new growth. Looks like iron def to me. What are you using for nutrients? Are you using ro/di water? Definitely looks iron to me. @dbrn32 @AfgVet @PurpNGold74 @Covertgrower @Myfriendis410
Tagged some better opinions. Maybe one of them will be around.
A ticket helps emmensly.
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COPY/PASTE the below list into your forum post.
Answer these simple questions the best you can.
If you do not know, or do not use something; Just say so; Or post
NA (non applicable)
-What strain, Seed bank, or bag seed (photo or auto)
-Age of plant/what week of flower
-Method: Soil w/salt, Organic soil, Hydroponics, Aquaponics, KNF
-Vessels: Pots, Grow beds, Buckets, fabric pots
-PH and TDS of Water, Solution, runoff (if Applicable)
-PPM/TDS or EC of nutrient solution if applicable
-Method used to measure PH and TDS
-Indoor or Outdoor if indoor, size of grow space
-Light system LED, MH/HPS/CMH/Fluorescents, or other
-Actual wattage draw of lights
-Current Light Schedule
-Temps; Day, Night
-Humidity; Day, Night
-Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size
-AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier,
-Co2; Yes, No
If growing Hydro some additional questions:
-DWC? RDWC? Autopots? Ebb and Flow? Other?
-Distance of liquid below net pot (DWC)
-Temperature of reservoir
-TDS of nutrient solution
-Amount of air to solution
Always try to upload a clear picture in white light of any issues you may have to allow the community to assist you.
Add anything else you feel would help us give you a most informed answer should be included. Feel free to elaborate, but short and to the point questions and facts will help us help you in a more efficient manner
Still kinda new on that big fan… im not sure id hit the panic button just yet. Yea its lime as heck, but normally grows out. Great call with the support ticket @Budz
The lime green in new growth,for me anyway, has always came from the center. So it goes dark last. Not the case here. Why I would wonder about iron.
Thanks! Using fox farm 3 part, growing like crazy, hopefully they will turn green
Using fox farm with distilled water.
Like to see some ph and TDs readings. Especially if that’s FF soil. How old is she?
You need calmag in that distilled water. I use happy frog and ILGM nutrients. I zero filter under 15ppm. If I don’t use calmag on non feed days, I quickly run into iron issues. Easy to fix at least.
Not foxfarm soil, just a mix of potting soil and dirt. Turn it over every year, have good drainage, I just bent the plant over to stress it a couple days ago
Is dolomite the same thing?
Nope. Dolomite lime has some kinda micronutes but im not thinking its a calmag supplement. Epsom salt is a good mag one. Boiled bones are a good calcium supp.
Dolomite lime is a great ph buffer for lower pH
Dolomite lime can provide calcium and magnesium, but it’s definitely not same thing as calmag.
For a soil to be iron deficient isn’t all that common. I would suspect a handful of other issues before throwing more iron at plants. Ph, locked out by too much phosphorus, or maybe soil compaction or root bound. If that is indeed the issue here, I would look there first.
Very informative! I just hit them with the recommended fox farm, grow big and big bloom on Friday. No issues up till then. Thinking maybe too much ferts , caused a lock out of cal/mag. Thinking about flushing. This is also first year mixing nutes with distilled water.
Think, too much fox farm, followed directions on bottle, no water in between feeding, some kind of lockout, thanks for your help
Hopefully you are using a TDS meter and setting the concentration to no more than 1,100 ppm.
I keep it simple, lol, growing a long time on and off. Second time using fox farm. Used the recommended on bottle. Watered full strength, only took a half gallon. Topped off to make a gallon of half strength. Watered with that 5 days later. 6 days later water with full strength again. 2 days after that I notice the light leaves. All good up to now, used half strength last year with no problems, think I over did it, going to flush with water and wait a week
Are you using grow big and big bloom at the same time?..:>0