New Grower and member

@atribute2008 As with all ot the others, welcome to the forum. Its a great place. I can only say that you cant find a better forum. Just for talking if nothing else. No fights, nothing like that. Great place.

I do have a question for you. Youre red cups u are using. Do you have drainage holes in the bottoms of them for drainage? Very necessary till you transplant. Which should be soon. Would put them in at least 3 gallon fabric pots if you got them. Then once they grow there, put them in 5 gallon. I didnt on my first grow. Move to 5 gallon. Big mistake. Now rootbound and causing problems.k

Big thing mentioned before…carefull with the water. And dont add any nutes yet, not even after transplanting. Not for about 3 to 4 weeks. If you continue using FF ocean forest. Its got alot of nutes in it already.

Yes, I do have drainage holes on the bottoms, and I was going to transplant straight too 5 gallon and start fox farm nutrients, but if thats not a good idea and to go to 3 gallon with just regular water then I will take that advice, my leaves are still looking curly and theres a little bit of brown on one of them because it grew overnight and touched my cfl light i was using before, i have the humidity up around 50-60% at all times and my temp ranges from 75-80 degrees, I’ve only been using neptunes organic seaweed extract. I don’t have a PH checker because I’ve been told if I use regular bottled water that will be fine. @cyberblast

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No regular bottle water will have a ph of 7,7.5 too high for your babies. Do yourself a huge favor buy a ph meter,under $20 on amazon. It is the most seen starter of problems
Oh and welcome to the best place for seeds and growing info.

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I figured, I will order one soon, and thanks for the welcome, is curling in the leaves normal? @Nug-bug

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No nutes! Your plants are better off without anything added right now.

Ok! lol then I will wait on the notes. @Myfriendis410

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Your plants will be fine in FF until they’re 6 weeks old. It will make things easier.

Curling leaves is a sign of over watering.


Ok, then I will wait longer to water and wait until 6 weeks to start nutes, is it better to go to 3 gallon? then to 5 gallon? @Myfriendis410

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If you are growing fems then an intermediate transplant is good. I do it so the soil volume dries out in a reasonable amount of time. Usually I go into a 4" pot before final transplant, in soil.

I also prefer a larger soil volume because I like my plants to yield 8 oz each or better. That is just simply a bigger plant.

@atribute2008 Yes, definately get a 20 buck ph meter. I waited and almost lost a couple of plants. And I am still going through ph problems on my first grow. Been a farmer for many years prior but doing this kind of thing is new to me. I ended up buying the ph meter, and the other ppp meter. You can also get combo meters but more expensive if you get a good one.

They need that soil to dry out faster. They can do better initially in the 3 gallon. Dont leave em there. After they been in the 3 gallon for a month, or so, then put them in the 5 gallon before you go to flower. Dont want to shock them in flower. I got a problem with having to repot in flower. I had a mess of problems but I have learned alot from the folks here. And if I happen to tell you wrong, someone will def point it out to me and you. Nicely but firmly. :smiley:

60 percent humidity is good till you get midway into flowering. Then its recommended you get down under 50.

Dont give your plants any nutes right now. None. And when you move em to the 3 gallon pot, using the Ocean forest dirt, dont give em nutes for at least 4 to 6 weeks. If they need em, they will let you know. The FF dirt is pretty hot with nutes. Will last you. That is what I used. Now I do a mix.

Good luck my friend and enjoy.



I will follow your advice, I recently put them under a 50W Led grow light and know I will have to add more later, and have them on an 18 light/6 dark schedule, now when I do water I use Neptunes seaweed extract, is that ok or should I not give them that either. @cyberblast


@atribute2008 Using that Neptunes seaweed extract. Not familiar with it, but my first reaction is to say no, dont use it. You are going to be moving to the 3 gal pots soon so they really dont need anything right now, not even in the water. Isnt going to be much help really and could do damage. So that isnt worth it really. Take care and good luck. Keep us posted here.



Ok, I will do and thank you. @cyberblast

@atribute2008 You will be good using a little liquid seaweed when watering I use this

the bigger the pot the bigger the plant :wink:


Welcome, you and your plants are in good hands here
Lot of great people and growers
Good luck

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Is neptune a good brand also? and when should i use it? @Hogmaster

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I use it every water the first 3 weeks or so and yes Neptune works just as well

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Can you tell me what this discoloration is from?

@atribute2008 looks like nute deficiency. probably cuz your PH is high. i was reading u havent been checking PH. i bottle water for a living and im telling you PH on bottled water will be between 7.5-8.2 which is def too high for MJ. Even walmart has PH/TDS meters by the water filtration for a couple bucks, and PH up and down with aquarium stuff. its not as stable as the hydro PH products, but will work just the same. PH can/will make the plants unable to absorb the nutrients, so id get that PH meter ASAP.

soil ph chart