Need some help please. Leaves are looking bad

I just used my galaxy phone. Im going to wait longer. I just now have the cure area ready.
So I’m good whenever amber starts showing.


Hey @Budbrother
Can I add that raw sugar after I already ran just water for a few days?

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Yes, you could dissolve some in a pint or quart and drizzle the bottom of the pots.
Should suck right up.

I’m using air pots so drizzle it into the holes?
I could slightly dip it
How soon after do you harvest?

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Never used an air pot. Use your best judgment to wick it up. The last couple weeks are usually sugar water or plain water.

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Ok, one more thing bro, do I use Florida crystals?
How much? Couple tbsp?

Raw sugar, any. I use FL crystals. I’m sure you have a well developed root zone, so I’d say a Tbs/gal should be ample. May wanna run 1/2 Tbs/gal and reduce to pure water the day or so before chop.

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Hey bro, I have another problem…lol
Can you take a look at these pics and tell me what you think?

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Got a pic of the whole plant?

I’m thinking it might be the environment. She’s cooped up in the corner of the closet. I have ventilation blowing but there’s fan blowing, the humidifier, temps are a little lower than I want

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Looks ok as a whole. The leaf in second pic looks like it was overlapped and got moisture drips between leaves.

The last looks to be humidity airflow issue. Could also be from previous def in Ca & Mg becoming pronounced around where it isolated after in positive.

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You think I need to do anything beside environment correction?

Get them respirating properly and that should set you on track.


Hey I just wanted to say thanks for that help on getting through my first organic grow. Its strong smelling and have quite a bit to boot.
I have no problems with my current grow except magnesium def on one and I’m using what you told me to fix it


Yeah it’s me again…
What do you think these brown spots are?

Need pic of whole plant, please. Location on plant plays a role. Plus the overall look of health. Meristem near soil pic also helps. This could be a few things.

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I think I know what it is. I just gave them tea and forgot to pH it. I’ve done that in the past but no negative effects.
They are all looking like $#[&
Right now man. I’m discouraged.

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My local grocery store has fox farm ocean forest on sale for cheap. I think I’m going to transplant and give them more space. My mix doesn’t work.
I’m too new to do that. Next run will be buildasoil 3.o or Pro mix or something.

Snap a shot of the meristem. Think narrows down a bit more.

Usually, the yellow veins are a sign of needing S. How does it smell?

The last pic closeup and ones before shows Mn to my eye. When taken as a whole I’d say you need to foliar that citrus spray.

Edit: It may need to have light moved up or reduced also. I thought I saw a few leaves curling away from the light up top. It could simply turn out to be light burn.

Maybe …I have been experimenting with light. It seems they don’t like above 850.
That branch up top I had to bend it was going to high to the light.
I did do a folair with TPS Signal.
But that doesn’t have N
So I will go with Southern AGG

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