Need Help Quick

Need Help!!! I’ve never had this happen before to a new plant. The only thing I’m doing different is I had to replace my old fan with one that seems to be a little more powerful. I started out with miracle grow potting soil and then starting feeding it with Jack’s 321 but that was just 3 days ago. The ends of the leave have been curling up for a little while but not as much as this when I when to check on it today. What am I doing wrong?

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nute burn from miracle grow and jacks. MG soil is time released on their nutes and not typically well suited for growing weed.


Nute burn and it needs to be graduated from the cup. Transplant it in its final pot and put it in a proper soil that is buffered for cannabis.


I had the same thing happen. I have three GDP going with a 6" oscillating fan on low blowing over the top of them. Except this one was closest to the intake fan port. I had it in on for a couple of days to manage heat in the tent. I think the combination of two was too much.

I raised the fan, turned off the intake and unzipped the tent a bit. After two days it is doing much better. I think the damage done to some of the leaves will not heal. I don’t need them much longer anyway. They will go when it is topped for a manifold and the lower stuff stripped off.
This is one of the other two. A little leaf twist but nothing major.

Sometime photos are more revealing than the naked eye. I have been hitting them pretty heavy with Jack’s 321 and a shot of AN Mother Earth. I think it was too heavy on the N. Dropped the Mother Earth (it served its purpose as seedlings they were pale) and dropped the PPM to 900


@Old_School ,What is the humidity in your tent , if your humidity is too low ,your plant moves more water and nutrients causing a nut burn . I had a plant that looked just like that . I placed the dehumidifier too close to a young plant. @beardless , may have something. My first thought was heat stress because the plant lacked the yellow tips that I normally get with nutrient burn, and had spotting I normally get with a ph problem.

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I did forgot to mention I also added a atomizing humidifier to get the rh around or above 50.


Okay, so a couple of things I picked up here. I turned the fan off due to the humidity is at 25% and I will re-pot into a mixture of Coconut Coir Fibers and Coast of Maine CMSBO15 Stonington Blend Organic Growers Potting Soil Mix. I guess I nned to figure out a way to get some moisture in there too. Not sure how to do that yet.

I know. During the middle of winter my humidity is barely 20% with the furnace running. I finally had to dig the humidifier out of storage and put it to work. I run distilled water in it so it is pretty clean. With the combination of low rh and temps in upper 70’s it was off the VPD charts so I figured I had better try to improve it.


Miracle-gro is where you’re going wrong and ur adding nutrients with nutrients that miracle gro soil already has she has nute burn


I was using RO water when I 1st started to go and then when I saw the leaves starting to curl at the ends I watered with Jack’s. So I’m not sure it was the MG. I’m not disputing MG isn’t good for starting young plants but I’ve done this for every grow I’ve ever done and i’ve never had this problem. I’m leaning more towards the 25% humidity being the problem and the fan pushinf dry air around making it even dryer.

Aha ok have u had a ph problem or do u have fan facing directly at ur plant cause thinking maybe wind burn

Or possibly a combination of the two? Lots of factors here to consider. The easiest being the RH and fan to correct. But soil can lead to many issues as well so keep an eye on it. I’m a huge fan of coco nowadays