Hello everybody I’m a new beginner really don’t know what I’m doing just winging it right now my plants are looking good but I’m not for sure why they look the way they do so maybe somebody can help me out
@D.j Got any pics in natural light ?
The purple doesn’t give true colours of leaves.
And welcome to ILGM.
Edit : Look good from what I can see in the pics. A lil bit leggy but appear ok.
What light you running ? And how far away from the tops ?
Look alright so far. I’d get those watering bulbs out of there and just water when they need it. Cannabis likes a wet/dry cycle for best health when growing in soil.
Do you have some drainage holes in those buckets?
I agree with oldguy. Little bit leggy but looking healthy
Hello everybody I’m a new beginner really don’t know what I’m doing just winging it right now my plants are looking good but I’m not for sure why they look the way they do so maybe somebody can help me out
no I don’t sorryYes I have holes in my bucket I am using natural topsoil I leave my lights on for 12 hours and off for six what is the best lighting to use I believe that’s a 2000 w
I believe it is 36 inches away
For the veg part most use an 18 on 6 off.
And most blurple lights advertised at 2000 w aren’t. That’s usually the total of the led’s added up.
True watts is actual consumed from the wall.
Make / brand of light. Model ?
You can probably lower that to about 24 without issue but like to see make and model first.
I got my light off at eBay but here’s what I here’s what I found
but thank you I will try the 18 I’m just worried about the leaves that’s my main concern I don’t know if I’m overwatering it I just moved the light up but if I need a new one cool I’ll get one but thank you so much for talking with meIs there a data plate on the light itself?
Those watering globes /spikes that @Deez mentioned should be removed.
Get a feel for your pot weight and only water when lighter.
That way you’ll have a better idea as to when you should water.
I’ll try and get a support ticket up for you to fill out so we can help better.
Gimme a few.
Answer these simple questions the best you can.
If you do not know, or do not use something; Just say so = NA
Strain; Type, Bag seed, ILGM… name of strain:
Age from Sprout:
Soil in pots, Hydroponic, or Coco / Brand and type of Soil & Size of Pots:
How often do you water and how do you determine when to do so?
PH of water and runoff or solution in reservoir:
What is strength of nutrient mix? EC, or TDS:
Indoor or Outdoor:
Light system, size and height from plants:
Temps; Day, Night:
Humidity; Day, Night:
Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size:
AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier:
Co2; Yes, No:
Add anything else you feel would help us give you a most informed answer. Feel free to elaborate, but short, to the point questions and facts will help us help you
Wanted to make a joke and had a 10 min internal dispute…
I consider myself an old beginner…
like from the garden? Or a bag of topsoil?