Need advice on my girls

Difficult to say for sure, however I circle some of them that might be @Rdg1951

If they look like this, sorry to say yes it’s balls

Well it better get going cause I want to start a full grow. Hate wasting
time for so little. Unfortunately my clone didn’t make it. Messed a few
things up on it. Lesson learned. I’ll do it right the next time.

Yes I took him out… Dam male’s. I got two more I started a few weeks ago. Also the short one has not started flowering yet so you think I can put it in with the one’s I’m running 18 hour’s. If it’s a female it should just bud earlier than the new one’s. What you think?

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If you’re absoletly sure that it has not begin to flower, than yes, it will pursue in vegetative stage until you switch to 12/12, otherwise wise you’ll risk hermies again.

Hoping that’s helping you @Rdg1951

~Al :v: :innocent:

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Yes it helps. Do you think it would be worth it to scrog the two I got.

Why not :grinning: if you have the space to do it and keeping in mind that you have the other one you’ll need to fit in :innocent:, How big is your area of growth ?

Not looking good sorry :neutral_face: Bro
But let’s see what other have to say about it

It’s 3x6 7ft high.

That’s just a thought. I have the material to make it but if it’s not worth
the trouble then I’ll let them grow wild and free.

sorry brother yeah I feel the same way I kill all males as soon as they show there faces :smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp:
But that’s my thing lol

Good you can easely corner your two ones align in the far side and SCROG them to almost the half and the single one corner on the other half, just keep enough space for you to watering , of course you’ll need multiples light sources for that.

~Al :innocent: :v:

I have a 1000w LED full spectrum. What would you suggest for other lights

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It depend on your budget , your 1000W for the SCROG and a 600W LED full spectrum with 10W double chips like this one will be enough for your single one

Hoping that’s useful information @Rdg1951

~Al :v::innocent:

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Wow that’s a little salty. Maybe I’ll ask my three x wives to chip in…Ya
right. No problem I can scrape it up. Thanks for the information.


Lol… You’re welcome :innocent: :v:

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Sorry hon but no email. I did get your message on my phone.