My plant looks very droopy today! Help!

I would say it’s not enough water … what I think is happening is the top of the soil has formed a hardened crust and the water is running off the sides down the outside of the fabric pot and not penetrating through the soil.

Dig up the top of the soil to make it Fluffy about 2 inches down, then water

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I use Pro-Mix HP and it will shed off water also until you have watered for a while and the moss starts holding moisture better.
Water out of the sides is not the same as run off. I typically use 5 gallon fabric pots and I have some floor tile squares around the plant. They help hold the water in place and keep the Pro-mix from moving around when I water.

In any event, I have found the key, (I hand water), to be a slow and steady pour.
I cut a couple of lengths of 1/2 PVC and put a funnel on on end and a tee on the other. I drilled holes in the Tee and taped the side holes with gorilla tape. This lets me get to the back of my 4x4 with ease and water standing straight up. It is cheap and easy to make and saves A LOT of effort.


I’m just seeing this and had to ask: did you take this picture just after lights on or just before lights out? The plant looks like it’s going into or coming out of it’s evening posture. It’s been determined that the plants start to adopt this posture in anticipation of lights out.


I was thinking the same thing. My plants look droopy at lights on.

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They mentioned the water just runs off the top of the soil and out the sides of the pot
but that is a good question @Myfriendis410
I still think it’s what @Spiney_norman posted a link to tho


I guess this one down side to fabric pots

@Myfriendis410 it was in the middle of the lights on.

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i run fabric pots
the bottom water idea is good. Push the sides of pot itll crack soil up a little . Then Water slow. Do not let dry that far. Sides always dry fast in fabric. They breathe. Dont be surprised if you need to water til runoff daily and feed daily in flower. I bind 3gal fabric pots in 3-4 weeks. Then they want feed twice a day and a clean water once theyre really into flowering. So i think undwrwater is it here. Tgey will jump back up. Just my opinion. No pro only couple years at it.

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I set a system like this with tubes fed half into soil 4tho water but keep top dry. I was dodging fungus gnats first grow. It works very well.


She was indeed dry. I bottom watered with about 4-5 cups of water and left her sitting in it for about 45 minutes. The soil took nearly every drop in that time frame. This morning, thankfully, she looks perfect and happy.


Very good info friend :sunglasses::v::call_me_hand:


Might have to still this idea! Pretty clever. :sunglasses:


She looks happy again. Excellent. Glad you got it fixed.

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Good job :+1:

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@Spiney_norman Can’t thank you enough for the advice and info. I felt pretty hopeless last night because the wilting got even worse. I almost did a cartwheel when I saw my plant this morning, then I remembered I was chubby and middle-aged. Haha.


LOL…Welcome to the club on that…


Glad to hear shes happy and you’re happy


Might be under water if the stalks are also droopy it is underwater if the leaves are just dripping it is overwatered