Well it’s 2:53pm here with winds sustained at 45-50mph gusts 65 and my power just went out. Lights came on at 1pm. I have a UPS power back up for internet and wireless just nothing for lights lol
Last night I treated for the Rust Fungus using 2 different biological products using one in feed water and the other as a foliar spray. I will update on how effective the treatment is.
Here is the info on the PreStop powder $30 for 100 grams and depending on the strength you want .01% .05% 2% etc I mixed entire package with about 4 gallons water and feed too all plants even new seedlings and clones even though they haven’t shown any signs of rust and are in another room.
Then I used the Serenade mixed for foliar spray on all plants as it says it’s ok to use up until the day of harvest for fruiting plants where the PreStop specifies not to use foliar with fruits on plants.
I opens up one end of the tent closest to the basement window and removed the cardboard covering the window and got some natural light - not much but some and I cranked up the buddy propane heater.
Well the light came back on after about 45 minutes or so and reset everything that needed to be … humidifiers, fans etc.
While checking my plants I saw this on the Waikiki Queen…Hmm any thoughts on the balls?