You worried about that one ugly old leaf? Wait a few more weeks and cut it off, out of sight, out of mind.
Your plants look like they have progressed nicely.
You worried about that one ugly old leaf? Wait a few more weeks and cut it off, out of sight, out of mind.
Your plants look like they have progressed nicely.
Thank you
I’m going to assume that this one is in Ocean Forest, and that you’re only feeding water right now in the correct pH. A little bit of leaf tip clawing from extra nitrogen in the soil. Absolutely nothing to worry about, plants looking very healthy.
Thank you.
Just trying to head off any problems
@fast-grow @CMichGrower @ale @Covertgrower @Caligurl
and anyone else. Question, they are 34 days since sprouting and a couple weeks into veg, I was thinking about flipping into flower in a couple of weeks about 4th week in veg. would this be too early on these plants, Strawberry Kush?
If you are flowering all three in that space I would certainly flip. By the time they finish their stretch you won’t be able to see the plants in back.
Nice to have happy girls.
Yes that’s my thinking. Started out using a shower in my old shop. Want to finish this grow and tear that out and make a larger grow area, just wanting to finish this grow successfully and make new area better, so far not many problems. a few gnats but took care of that.
Looking at the pictures of your plants, they are definitely big enough to flip. When I do strawberry Kush clones, I give them two weeks to make roots and Transplant into their permanent pot and 4 Weeks Later flip to 12 12. At least that’s what I did on my first grow with them, and they turned out excellent
Thank you for the help, they are in a 36x36 old shower stall, just wanting to finish this grow and tear out. Making 6ft x 5 ft grow closet there.
It really depends on the room you have. I veg mine so they max out the tent lol
A warning on the strawberry Kush, all the ones that I have done needed support for the colas when they were into flowering. The stems never seem to be strong enough to hold up the buds that they produce. Scrog net or maybe some type of a cage around the plant might help. I am 3 weeks into flower on mine and already tying the branches up to the main stalk.
Thank you for the tip,
I will look at how I want to support them
@CMichGrower @fast-grow @Caligurl @Covertgrower.
Seen a few spots on some leaves and thought it was calcium def, treated with cal-mag but leaf shriveling, now not sure, any ideas
Looks like pH issues or magnesium deficiency. Food and pH after you mix your feed?
pH Fluctuations can cause yellow spots.
Going to ask a few questions, first do you know which soil defected plant is in. Is it the single plant in Happy Frog or one of the two in the ocean Forest. Plants in Happy Frog may be ready for some nutrients if you know what your runoff pH and PPM is.
What’s kind of a light are you using and how many watts is it? Are you running a LED Quantum board or a blurple or how many watts is light drawing from the wall? Another question is there a chance you spilled water on these leaves.
I had cal-mag issues and my current grow and I pushed calmag on them but it really didn’t seem to help much until I turned down the lights. I was hammering mine with way too much light and modern LED grow lights well really push the limits on Cal Mag. Another thing I would check where is insect damage or signs that you have insect problems. The only thing that points me in that direction is that it seems isolated on your plant and is not the entire plant being affected but just certain areas of it.
I ended up planting all 3 in ffof and the ppm at runoff is between 1100 and 1200 on all 3. I’ve also checked ph every feeding watering with distilled water and checked ph after mixing in nutes. lights I have 2 . the plant with bad leaves is under mars 1000 and other two are under viparspectra p2500 they are about 24 inches above plants. p2500 is pulling 250 w and mars is 100w I think. no Blurple
There is a chance I got leaves wet and I did have a few gnats, maybe 3 or 4 per yellow sticky card sprayed plants with captain jacks dead bug a few minutes before lights went off 6 days apart and two times.
Checking in to see how your plants are doing. I’m assuming that one curled up Leaf either recovered or fell off. Sure hoping everything’s going okay. @Deserteagle
@fast-grow Thanks for checking, the girls are doing well. flipped them to flower one week ago. this picture about week old.
With a lot of help from you guys and others I have got them this far, have battled with rookie mistakes of over watering and a small fight with gnats but hopefully in 7 or 8 weeks more lol. now dealing with heat and humidity.