That’s an expensive knockoff lmao
I’m glad asked though. That’s why I’m here lol can you point me in the direction of a decent brand? Or maybe a link or something?
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I also thought they were knock offs. The boards are printed wrong and they are using a driver that is above the max A for the 304 boards. I drive mine with a HLG240H-C1050A not a C2100.
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I searched Horticultural Lighting Group on amazon and that’s what it came up with. Didn’t give me many options.
Just go to the Horticultural Lighting Group site. The 288V1s are just as good as the 304’s and they are on sale at $66 w/ heatsink. Drive 2 with the HLG240H-C2100A (from onlineMeanwell). 2 board set up for ~$200
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Growerslights is authorized retailer of hlg stuff too.
Awesome! Thanks! I’ll look into both.