My clones I need advice

Ok this is one of my clones I only have 2 just wanted to try them. Now do I take the rest of the fan leaves off it’s maui wowie in week 7


Removing leaves is done for light penetration to lower areas.
You have to remember that they also provide energy to roots for plant development. In this case looking at your plants I feel it would not benefit you to remove them. There are not so many as to block light to low buds. Plus there are not enough of them so if removed you lose a lot of surface area that the plant needs. My thoughts would be to let her grow as is. The energy gained will help those buds fatten up.
Looking good by the way.


As small at the plant is, I’d leave the fan leaves on. It won’t hurt the plant at all by leaving them on. :+1:


i would also just let them ride it out as is…

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Ok they will stay now next question I’m like 11 days from the 9 weeks since I flipped them to 12/12 should I be just feeding them just ph’d Water the time frame for Maui wowie is 7-9 weeks for flower

this is what the mushrooms look like 3 days ago

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I always try to remember that the Ladys will show u what they need, in other words for me, I only remove leaves to get light to penetrate or if they show signs of yellowing. For me I flush them three days before harvest and leave the flush in. It gets rid of any bad favor that is left from the nutrients,

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