My Autoflower Journey Im New

Soil i am using is fox farms happy frog will be using throughout entire grow welcome

Alrighty now what do you guys think is it to early to early to plant these should i let stem sprout more?

I usually put mine in to solo cups when they have about a 1/4" tail. :v:

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Nice thanks for the advice

Alright its been 2 days since i planted my beans and i am getting a little progress out of 2 of the 3 i planted the first one is #2 LSD

the second one is Northern lights i was expecting this one to be my star looks like LSD #2 is the front runner as of now and the third which is LSD #1 hasn’t scratched the surface yet but im not counting her out just yet and heres an updated shot of the random bag seeds i have i did start flowering on these just because i want to focus solely on the autos and none of my friends wanted a free plant IKR couldnt even give them away lol oh well more for me im almost certain the biggest is a female not sure of the smaller two just yet

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so its been a few hours since the last pics i posted check out LSD #2 is it too early to say i like autos so far :joy: And then Northern Lights runner up LSD #1 hasnt reached the surface yeti did dig a little and i think i planted it too deep originally has a nice long root going moved it up a little closer to the surface I expect it to reach surface maybe tomorrow? Should i have left it alone you guys think it will be fine? And also should the seedlings be closer to the light? I do have another tent 3x3 smaller i can place them in if that is the case

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@beardless @repins12 @scylents @Ncgreenthumber


Rock and roll man!! Off to the races!!

So a day later which is day 3 since germination my lsd #2 and NL are above soil and looking good will upload some pics a little later this afternoon i can see the seed trying to push its way above the dirt (you can do it little buddy) any tips on helping the third plant break the surface?

Everything is looking like its right on track man. Can’t wait to see what that big girl is going to do. She’s a monster.

Thanks same here im really impressed with how she is doing i would like a second opinion on if she is a fem i will upload some pics once im finished working for the day

just keep getting surprises out of the LSD loving it so far


Yeah man get me a close up pic of her nodes at the stalk and ill help you see if we can see some female traits for sure man !

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Here’s the close ups

@beardless @repins12 @scylents

Is it an ILGM auto? I believe they are all feminized.
The stipules are crossed, that is supposed to be a positive sign. I can’t tell if that is a young calyx or balls. sorry.
This is a new pistil on a 42 day northern light

. Check out my journal Northern Lights First Photo Grow

The three big plants are just some random bag seeds i had not sure what they even are lol didnt spend anything on em so if they are male thats fine more room for autos

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Gotta - they will be telling you pretty soon

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Sorry homie, it’s my first grow. No clue on the sex question. Don’t know about plant gender either… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::sunglasses::v:

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Its all good man we’re all in this together we will both learn

Day 4 and my problem seed is showing signs of life im gonna pay special attention to this guy also added a 300w blurple in the tent today gonna see how the plants react