This is bit of a late start to the journal, though hope to spark some interest.
3 x ILGM Lowryder fem auto
1x 450w viparspectra led lighting
Advanced nutrients sensi
AN Piranha
AN Bud candy
AN Flawless finish
Homemade CalMag using crushed baked egg shells and Epson Salt
Grandmas Molasses
1x 5gal Coco & Perlite in Air-Pot (LST)
1x 5gal Soil compost & Perlite in Homemade Air-Pot topped with river rocks. (LST)
1x 3.8gal Super Soil Mix in Standard planter. (Topped)
Coco Ph 5.8
Soil Ph 6.5
Day temp 76f. Night temp 65f. 18/6
Humidity unknown but somewhat low.
The coco girl was a strong one right out the gate she showed leaps and bounds in growth and node spacing before the others.
The river rock girl was a bit short and bushy but with LST she is filling out and reaching.
The super soil girl was topped a bit young at her 4th set in hopes that it would have enough time to heal and grow she is a bit behind in pre-flower though she has shown sex. Also she had some damping off as a seedling thought she was a goner but she is a fighter and has come through her illness.
Just a warning this is a bit experimental but is working for me so far.
To get the calcium you need to start with some egg shells and clean thoroughly then boil in water to remove any left over proteins which will float to the top of your pot, rinse once more then bake in the oven at 200 degrees fahrenheit for about 10-20 minutes to bake off any residual proteins. Next get a coffee grinder or mortar and pestle and grind to a fine powder (optional step : use equal parts vinegar to brake down the molecule chains at this point the solution will fizz after it has stopped fizzing leave out over night to neutralize if check ph add some water/vinigar/ or baking soda to correct any ph imbalance let dry or simmer on low on stove) now you have pure calcium carbonate.
Next you will need to pick up some epson salt which you can buy for $1 for 16 ounces. Giving you natural Magnesium sulfate.
Now just mix 5ml or 1 tsp each of the calcium carbonate & magnesium sulfate per 3.785liters or 1 gallon of water.
There you have it all natural CalMag at a cost of about only $3
As for the molasses its full of vitamins and nutrients for feeding the micro organisms in your soil, don’t forget it also has lots of sugars for the girls to feast on. Here is a quote of a readout of the average readings per tablespoon.
"It depends on the brand but typically something like 1-0-5. Use about a tablespoon per gallon of water throughout the grow, except for the last couple weeks. Molasses is high in nutrients such as magnesium and can contribute to a harsh finished product.
Molasses is about 55% sugar. The other 45% goes like this (per 100 grams, human % DV provided for reference):
Calcium ----- 205 mg — 20%
Iron -------- 4.7 mg — 26%
Magnesium — 242 mg — 61%
Phosphorus – 31 mg ---- 3%
Potassium — 1464 mg – 42%
Sodium ------ 37 mg ---- 2%
Zinc -------- 0.3 mg — 2%
Copper ------ 0.5 mg — 24%
Manganese — 1.5 mg — 77%
Selenium ---- 17.8 mcg - 25%
Oh an not sure how much this hurts or helps but in both soil pots there is living earthworms, I didn’t introduce them they have been living in a 20galon bag of compost I made 3 years ago. There is some lawn clippings, vegetables and fish bones that all broke down into the compost. The top layer of compost was mostly castings.
Well this may be a bit unorthodox, but I started to notice some P deficiency on the coco girl and read that B complex can help specifically B1 Thiamine to aid in phosphorus absorption. So I could get AN B-52 nutrient to help with this though I am trying not to spend anymore money yet until after this grow. So why not see what I have in the medicine cabinet, well I found some nootropics called Focus Factor they weren’t cheep but old and i quit using them do to taste and breath. Its packed full of all the good stuff so what the hell I crushed one up and gave it during feeding.
This is the first time I took her out into natural light, its insane how much darker and vibrant they look. I had to download an app to get the exposure and color to match what my eyes see and the camera app for my phone blows…
Any plant is unique so don’t compare. She locks fine for me… Maybe you drop some water on that leave… Wait few days and see if she’s OK… Just relax and be patient…
They look good to me I don’t notice much of a dificiency. They could be slow starters and should start bulking up anytime. My last grow started slow like that and then all of a sudden started putting on weight rapidly.
Sorry I have been a little bit busy with work. Though here is a sort update, I am no longer LST’ing the girls as not to have my ties on top of bud sights but rather under the first set. Also the Topped girl is really bushing out.