My 12 day old plant

This is my 12 day old plant. Just wondering if she looks happy and healthy or should I change something? My grow equipment is very limited so I’m just using what I have available. 60W led light (waiting for my grow light to come in the mail). 10-15-10 liquid fertilizer (until I order more).


I think she looks real perty.


Looks awesome. Good luck with her.

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And welcome to the community! I’m a hydro guy so I don’t feel qualified to give you any feedback.

But, I would venture to say this place has some of the top growers in the world. They’ll be along. You’re in good hands.


Thanks guys! It’s awesome to get some verification from other growers, as this is my first time I’m sure I’ll run into some problems here and there. Good to know that I got a community to help me out when the time comes. She is already producing a lil weed scent. Will keep updating. Thanks again guys, much appreciated

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Looks great for 12 days old.


Welcome to the forum.
Looks good so far :ok_hand: A new light will really get things going for sure, what did you order?


Looking really good for 12 days! Keep it up :+1:

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Thanks man. I ordered a full spectrum, 3 bar setup, can’t remember the brand but it’s meant for plants

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U guys think she’ll be ready for a transplant soon?

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As advised here I let grow a bit bigger than circumference of the pot its in then transplant.


That’s great to know. Thanks again, very much appreciated

Welcome to the community!


12 Days damn thats insane, mine is not even half and is 10 days old. I am sure I am doing something wrong.

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Thank u, feeling very welcomed

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I have very limited equipment, so I’m surprised it’s off to a good start. My biggest help was an ebook I purchased about growing, so I credit the good few hours I put into reading about it. Was some info I otherwise would not have considered, so a lil research goes a long way. This community seems to be very helpful too if u need advice. Good luck and hope u see some growth soon

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@Potman1 looking way better than mine did at 12 days. I had a major stretching issue during their first 2-3 weeks. Tried to add some additional soil during transplant, but only so much I could do.

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ILGM had a free grow bible you can download. It’s very good.

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This is my first attempt at growing, so I don’t think I’m in much of a position to give solid advice yet. But this baby is thriving from cheap putting soil, cheap 10-15-10 liquid fertilizer, 18 hrs of 60W led light, an essential oil diffuser for humidity, an oscillating fan, and tin foil walls for light reflection. Hope your luck turns around soon

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