Measuring ppm/ppm runoff

If my target is 1000 ppm, does that mean my runoff should be 1000 or does that mean 1000 going in?

Is measuring the runoff ppm only to assure that you have less ppm coming out, than going in to prevent excess nutrient buildup?

Sorry if this question is repetitive, but i couldnt seem to find this exact question on here.


Try to keep run off in line with what’s going in. If it’s higher dilute feeds or go water only. If it’s lower increase feed strength. Find balance.


Im a little confused, what do you mean by in line with what is going in?

Lets say my mixture is 1000 ppm going in, 800 runoff. Guidlines say to have a ppm of 1000. Do i need to get the runoff number up to 1000 by feeding a little more?

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What’s the medium?

Feed the 1000 until run off exceeds the 1000. Balance. You want them as close as you can get. If you feed twice and it jumps to 1200 in run off, you should do water only (if soil) or decrease your input by a few hundred points. Until it drops back in line with your average feed.

Actually here, maybe this will explain it better.


This is very helpful. I really appreciate your help, thank you.


No problem!

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