Maui Wowie & GG4 Grow

I’ve heard other members here that use FF soils and they say its the salts that build up in the bottom of the pot from used up nutrients and to flush it out every 4 weeks. This is probably the reason for the low pH on the runoff…


Day 79

Girls are doing better than they were, that’s for sure. Learning a lot of patience with this new hobby! Three of the girls are on day 12 of flower (since hedgehogs first appeared, not flip) and the other two are on day 6.

The seedlings are looking beautiful! Still in a 50/50 mix of FFHF and FFOF. I went to a great hydro store yesterday and talked to the owner for a bit about his experience with Fox Farm Soil, he is one of the few distributors in the area. He gave me some great ideas. So, here are some things I will be changing on the next 4 girls to see if my grow is more enjoyable not just for the girls but for me as well.

  • I will be adding extra perlite to the mix since it is taking longer than 3-4 days for my current 5 gal pots to dry
  • pH will be 6.5 going in
  • I will be better about not watering too often and let the girls tell me they are thirsty before I just do it for the sake of doing something :roll_eyes:
  • Less extensive training and defoliation - I absolutely believe I was a little heavy handed with the first batch of girls and stressed them out far too much. I want to see what these phenos are truly like with proper food and care and not too much stress. I should have taken the sound advice of all the articles I read about LST as far as don’t really attempt it on your very first run and maybe wait a few runs to do it. I was too ambitious and focused on that instead of learning my grow medium and how these plants take to certain things. Lesson learned and I should be appreciative for the wisdom gained I suppose.

Cheers and happy growing, y’all!! :smile:


Your plants look fine. I think your being hyper critical of yourself. Your doing great…


Thank you for saying that! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I’ll take it for my first run. Just watched the newest Mr Canucks Grows video this morning and boy is hard not to be a little envious and critical of yourself after seeing his gorgeous plants :rofl: But, I know it will all come with time and experience.

How are your MWs doing today? I saw you did a flush recently.


Not really a flush, just a good watering like i should’ve been doing from the start. I wasnt watering to adequate runoff and now they need reset. I am going to flush them out real good after they dry out. Then take it from there. I got myself into a pinch by trying to do it my way… my way never works…LOL


Ha, neither does mine … yet :sweat_smile:

How many grows have you done overall?


This is my 2nd… ive grown tomatoes and catnip and all sorts of other stuff but this cannabis is tricky…


It’s definitely more difficult than I thought a “weed” would be lol. I remember in my early 20s, some roommates and I tried to grow … buuuuuttt I don’t remember a lot from those few years so I can’t attest to how it all went. :rofl:

I ordered a small 2’x2’ tent that should be in the next few days. Got it for drying mostly. But will also use it for propagation for the 2 bigger tents. I’m rather excited about it. Boy, this is quite the bug to catch, isn’t it? I was an executive pastry chef before covid changed the world and that’s what all my friends are most looking forward to!


Amazing… i was a factory worker at a window and patio door frame factory. I made the patio door frames… it is a wiley plant. Thats for sure… unruly…


You were talking like you killed the first ones :sweat_smile:. Sheeesshhh i may need to let you teach me something.

Edit: how long did you veg having 4 plants? Ive wondered if id save any time doing multiples.


The pictures make them look a lot better than they actually are! Truly, up close they oogly. But, I still tell them they’re beautiful so as not to hurt their self esteem. The next time I do an update I’ll get more up close and personal with them :grimacing:

I’m also comparing them to all the other righteous grows on here … so there’s that too! I can be quite critical of myself, like a lot of us.

I am ready to bust out my ol’ pastry recipes though and breathe some new life into them


I accidentally told my plant i loved her one time and we had an awkward silence…

Brooooo i seen where you said you were a pastry chief!!! I bet your gunna make some :bomb: edibles :laughing:.

My wife currently is hooked on white chocolate chip pot cookies lol. She microdoses 2 cookies throughout the day. You gotta teach us how to make the perfect pot cookie when you get your trim ready lol

Its crazy all the different occupations ive seen on here :sweat_smile:. And weed brought us all together!!


@Caligurl has the best way for integrating the secret :shushing_face: ingredient with the QWET method and melting it into the fat in the recipe! I have it saved, but she has a wonderful breakdown for how to calculate the potency. And, if I’m not mistaken, she is also a pastry chef. :smile:

Here is the best cookie recipe I’ve got in my arsenal! 1.5 oz cookies should yield about 30-32 cookies from this recipe if I remember correctly … I use a little scoop that you can find at grocery store - the scoop will say “1.5 Tbsp” on it. I also prefer my cookies on the softer side, so feel free to bake longer. They freeze super well, I just portion them out, roll em into balls and place them in a freezer bag side by side so they will break apart later. And just bake them straight from frozen.

If you can, use the weight of the ingredients to measure them out, far more accurate than “cups”


Heck yea!! I bookmarked that so i can show my wife lol thank you!! Shes the cheif at our house. I can fry a mess of fish in the fry daddy and ive been known to slap a deer tenderloin on the grittle but she dose all the baking :sweat_smile:. Well, i stay baked too but thats a whole different matter…


Maaannnnn, I’ve got all kinds of stuff to try. I want to make fudge, jalapeño cornbread muffins, some home made Reese’s cups, even thought about trying some ice cream! I have a recipe for some white/dark chocolate mixed ice cream that we blow through and I’m no longer aloud to make it because our pants said not to. :rofl:

If you ever want a recipe just ask and I’ll see if I have one!


Im gunna take you up on that!!! If they start putting this stuff in the cornbread im gunna be rurnt!! :sweat_smile: i bet the fudge would be good also! We ate brownies till we were burned out on them haha.

Been awhile since we have made any using butter, we normally use coconut oil. Do you use an emulsifier?


I don’t use an emulsifier. The wax you get from the QWET should melt right in to any fat in the recipe. So, for that recipe I would probably use about 1.67 grams of QWET, mix into the melted butter. That would be close to 15 mg per cookie if my math is correct. Before it was ok to look this stuff up on the internet I think I did a quart ounce or a half ounce of flower for a pound of butter. Through it in a mason jar in a crockpot with the lid on and a water bath on low all day … shaking it up here and there. Then strain it out. But, that was so primitive to all the different extraction techniques now :joy:
The goodies tasted like chlorophyl and no telling what the true dosage was, just eat a big piece and hope your life doesn’t turn into Fear and Loathing after a few hours. LOL


I can feel these words :rofl:. We have no clue how to messure the dose…

Our normal recipe is 1/2oz flower into 3/4 cup of coconut oil. Not sure about the cookies themselves :thinking:. But we normally have around 50 cookies out of 1/2oz of flower.

Did 2oz shake into butter into 1 large pan of brownies one time. Cut into 10 sqaures and i ate 1 sqaure. It was 2 years before i tried edibles again :sweat_smile:.


Here is the wonderful information and breakdown Caligurl gave about her method.


I have recipes and stuff there along with processes of making the qwet and the edibles. Cookies, popcorn, chocolates, gummies and even marijuana marinara LOL

Edit. with QWET concentrate you can safely figure 750 mg of thc per gram. So lets say you want 30 cookies at 30 mg each, that’s a total of 900mg.

So 900 / 750 is 1.2 grams of qwet concentrate (I just like to call it goo LOL)