Who can help out one of our fellow growers with his issues?
can tell what im doing wrong… i had 1 white widow buds all over and yielded over a pound and a half that part was great, but then it also had several male pollen sacks and 1000’s I’ve pulled out the easy ones. but yet tats not the worst of it. it does not taste good at all. when i cut down intrimed all the leaf off and laied down in my hanging dry net… it smells real good it bag or in the room… i use whole line of miro, gro, bloom, rapid start, diamond nectar, flora blend, flora nectar, cal + mag, bio root and orca, liquid koolbloom, and dry koolbloom, after all that i flush and drain time let straight water run for 3-5 days and re flush and add all new reverse osmosis water i was stunned at how bad taste that im getting from it thing about making eatables of it…cay you please tell me how to get the nice taste that i want. its hydro set and i also flush before i move them into bud tent and every week do a flush too. in an attempt to get all the nutrients out… the one coming up is 1 gold leaf and 7 clones let me know how to go about getting them the flavors i want them to, any help be much appreciate
Thank you