Male or Female - please help

please help me people - saw this ball forming & instantly assumed it’s a male - tehn after a week i notice it starting to open up like a flower/new leaves sprouting?, tried touching it this morning and it fell off - looks like leaves - NO POLLEN or PISTOLS visible - please help !

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Unfortunately, I think that’s a male plant @Terminator


thanks bud, think i should wait a bit more & see, or just pull ? :slight_smile:


You need to wait a little more for that…see if you can figure that from this pictures

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you might pluck pollen sac and watch for more…
when they grow like bannas then you need to pull . @Terminator

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It’s a boy!


I have to agree with @Screwauger and @Myfriendis410. Looks like you have a boy @Terminator

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thanks for all the feedback, much appreciated - “HE” was my 1st, so still hurts a little :slight_smile: - i will post more pics of my other plants for assistance in sexing - Many Thanks.


He buddy I agree with the rest on its a male
And you did the right think by culling it youllbe happy you did since you have others girls going
We all have to cull a plant or two at times
Welcome to the sandbox just tag if you have any questions @Terminator

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