Three days since my full res-change, & did a 1-gal partial res-change today.
Plant seems happy with the PPM running between 640 & 660 for now. Plant is drinking around 1/2 gallon a day. pH crashed a little by lights-out yesterday, & lights-on today, running down to around 5.5 from around 6.1 - 6.2 both times. pH adjustment fixed that last night, & the partial res-change fixed it this morning. It ran down from 6.2 to 5.8 today, so I just bumped it up to 6.2 again.
Plant has seemed to have stopped stretching, although it still may grow up a little more over time.
I raised the light again a couple clicks today, trying not to burn the tall top.
I have three main tops around the same height, & that tall one, plus a shorty near the center of the back wall.
I’ve pruned off some more lower bud-sites & some lower main fan leaves, & also have partially trimmed some other main fan leaves.
Hoping to maybe be able to get some of the remaining lower bud sites to finish, since I don’t have a whole lot of tops up top shading everything down below. Unfortunately having to keep raising the fixture for that one tall top might lead to me chopping off more lower stuff.
Spent some time dialing in the controllers again due to moving light & sensors upwards again. Ambient RH has been on the rise over the past day or two, not sure that my humidifier has even run since filling it last.
Here’s a look at the three Thermpros hanging in the center, & in the front right top & lower corner. Leaf temps running around 8 to 10f lower than surrounding air temps.
Thermpro hanging in center: I moved it a little closer to the light itself & into hotter air after raising the light today, so it started reading a little hotter, but the tops were probably in about the same air temp as they were before I moved things. Eventually I dialed down the exhaust fan temp setpoint anyway, & it’s running a little cooler now overall.
Thermpro upper front right corner: It’s running pretty close to the hanging center unit. Idea is to be able to pull the hanging one out of the way after the stretch, & just refer to this one as if it were in the center, since it seems to be running closely to the center one.
Thermpro Lower front right corner: This helps to see what the temp & particularly the RH is doing down low.