Lucys life cyle

Newbie bud grower here deciding to start a grow journal for my adopted plant “lucy”. Since im new to the bud grow im only looking to do a single plant at one time until i get a bit more experience with the bud grow. My spider-farmer tent and full equipment is on its way and should be set up and running by May 2ed…

Tent: Running a 2x2x5 for starters.
Lights:SF1000 LED Grow Light (100w) also have a smaller LED light im getting from a friend to help.
Soil: happy frog
Fan/filter: 4” Inline Duct Fan/4” Carbon filter
A smart fan controller included to help control humidity and temp. Also have a small clip on fan i was thinking of adding in.
Will be growing in 5gallon fabric pots for now since its included.(Was thinking 3gallon to save space/max use of soil.)

She has a white tip on one of the leafs but i have already been given a bit of advice on that however incompairson to other growers with same strain(WW AUTO) same seed bank(ilgm) theirs have way more growth, leafs, and thicker stems. Personally she looks good for 11days but ya know… stress and paranoia doesnt hep me much :sweat_smile::joy:Help easy my mind! Lol



Looking good. Be sure to not overwater during the seedling stage. Personally i would put a clear plastic solo cup over the top of her with a little water misted inside to keep the humidity level up until some true leaves form. And leave the cup over the top when watering to create a water ring around the plant so the roots seek out the water.


Perfect little seedlings , You can backfill to the top of the pot will Add a little support for seedling. Welcome :+1::v:


Noted! Thank you. @Ebb i had a small glass over her for a couple days but was affaird she couldnt breath. :sweat_smile: i also just watered her today in a ring (without the glass covering her) after letting the soil dry for about 2days. definitely willl re-cover her for now.

@kellydans thank you as well! When you say backfill you mean just add more soil?


Hi there. Are you going to transfer to fabric pot when ready?. She looks dandy. Don’t let her get too leggy. Have fun


@beachglass thank you! I had to transplant her once already. When i got her she was in a very thick mixture of dirt and soil(what ut looked like to me atleast) im affraid of moving her to much and stressing her out. Think it would be ok to transfer her one more time? I do have fabric pots that should be here thirsday or friday. Also i do not have the most gentles of hands which is why once i have my fabric pots i intend to grow in them start to finish.


This is a great group of people and awesome growers!!! You’re to a great start. Just chime in if you have questions or need help someone will be chomping at the bits to do so​:sunglasses::+1:


Yes add more soil.


Thank you @DoneDeal i definitely am going to have plenty of questions throughout im sure. From what i have seen the support in the fourm is outstanding! Which is great for a newbie like me :sweat_smile:


Not looking so good. She has flopped over. Dead? Or struggling really bad? Not sure what i have done. Just watered today after letting soil dry :sob:


What type of water? Did you ph it or add nutes? She might be skinny to support her on weight. Bury the stem for support or use something for a crutch


@DoneDeal i have been using filtered water. Generally was checking soil ph every other day. Last couple days i havent because im working 12s back 2 back 2 back lol. I checked today when i got up and noticed her leaning over and it read 6.3.

I also moved more soil towards the stem. She has had a dome over her for a little while now and i have been sparying the inside of the dome as well. As far as nuts go because of the happy frog soil she is in i didnt give much. I wanted to but i cut the does in half.


Also one of her lower leafs is faded looking.


Ph is good. Did you harden the plant by removing the dome a little bit a day? The bottom leafs fade when she’s done using all the nutes out of them.


@DoneDeal the dome came off every day but recovered after awhile. So its natural for the bottom ones to go?


Yes they support the plant until the new leafs are able do it. She looks better in the last pic.


@DoneDeal thank you for the help :call_me_hand:
I honestly should have known that. My veggie plants do the same. :man_facepalming: i think im just more worried about messing this up than i was when i was learning to do my veggies :upside_down_face:


LoL I feel ya! Was the same way when I first started.


Keep up the good work , after the seedling development a good root system you will start seeing foliage. Small fan on low speed Just enough for the ladies to jiggle will help strength stem. Good luck
East or west NC ?


:person_facepalming: good advice I forgot to mention the fan :point_up::point_up: @kellydans