But not the actual plant, correct?
Correct, not the actual plant lol
Just making sure
@repins12 @BetrayedSoul @Bulldognuts @Bubblehead @SmokeOne @dbrn32 @Buddly
Alrighty guys, tomorrow makes 2 weeks since germination and I’m having some complications. So last night I made the decision to move my girl LSD to a bigger pot. BIG FAIL. The soil ended up falling apart and it was just a whole mess… She looked way more droopy last night as compared to now, BUT the brown tip has curled upwards. WHAT DO I DO? I’m almost certain LSD is reacting to the two cal/mag feedings I gave her as opposed to the other two with just one cal/mag feeding and then returning to tap water.
Also, how do the other two girls look? Should I water them a little, or no?
Soil still looks kinda wet on two in plastic bags, I probably wouldn’t water. On the transplant, I usually expect a couple days of recovery. Especially if root ball fell apart.
Pleas explain what the bags are you have them in, the clear ones. Roots don’t like light if you have roots by the side of the bag that could hurt them. Try to get the bags in something to keep them dark. As dnrn32 stated they look wet even at this age they do not need much water. How much and how often are you watering?
They are in fiber soil pop up bags I got off amazon. So should I transplant those two to the 1 gallon fiber pots so the roots are in the dark??? I have 5 gallon fiber pots as the last one I’d transplant them to. But I’ve read mixed reviews about potting up versus putting sprouted seeds in their final pot.
My attempt at transplanting failed miserably so I’m worried about making the attempt again with the other two.
I haven’t watered them for about 2 or 3 days now.
I not sayin you should trans plant right now. I would find something to wrap around the pots they are in to keep light off the roots. I think you struggled with trans planting because your root system was not large enough to hold soil together. I’m sure your other plant will be fine. Make sure the pots are light when you pick them up prior to watering. I checked mine everyday to learn what that meant, now I know. . When mine are that little they get about 20-50 ml of water around the outside of their pots.
Thanks for the helpful advice!
The two leaves on LSD are turning more brown and dry. Should I flush the soil, cut the leaves, or really leave it alone for a few more days?? I’m afraid of the chance of it spreading to the new growth
I think it’s a little small to flush and cutting the leaves isn’t going to help it, just make you not see it. Has it produced any new growth since you transplanted? I’m a little worried roots were damaged.
I’m proud and relieved to say she’s alive and growing! I will post updated pictures by the end of the week. Thanks!
Good news!
I knew a Carol once. She broke my heart.
Looking good
I concur, nice work!
I like the lil gal that is stretching. Make room for that one, its gonna hog the tent !!! Not a joke. That’s the way it always works for me.
Nice work farmer🚜
@repins12 @BetrayedSoul @Bulldognuts @Bubblehead @SmokeOne @dbrn32 @Buddly
Hi all!
Thanks for your comments and following along on my first grow. Today is Day 31. On day 29, Joshua and Carole were topped. Seems like everything is moving along smoothly, except for LSD running into a couple issues, which is why I didn’t top her. I wanna give her some more time to heal before I do that.
I haven’t given them nutrients or cal/mag yet. Any advice on when I should start that?
Thanks again! Here are the girls.