Looks like she is getting close

Got 3 NL and 1 GL getting ready to finish up week 6 from flip. Tried to use one of those jewelers loupes and decided they are a pain to use, for me at least, and they also don’t take pics. Got one of those cheap microscopes and much easer. Took my first pic and it looks like they are getting close. No amber yet but appear to be getting cloudy. I assume 2-3 weeks before harvest? It’s my first grow so I have no experience in how fast trichomes transition.


She looks lovely. Can we see pic of full lady?


Here’s the pron your ordered. :rofl: The one behind is larger but can be a pain getting out. It’s a little tight in there.


Perfect pic of pot porn. :ok_hand: you are going to be having a trim party. She may get a tad plumper. She is beautiful. Great grow.

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Thanks. First trim party ever. Got one friend helping out. Hoping it doesn’t take forever. They have a bit of extra foliage to remove. Lesson learn for my next grow to keep up with LST and grooming.

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I love that I need this for a poster in my room.

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It sounds like you’re spot on if the aim is cloudy with a hint of amber. If you want a bit more amber, you might be a month out.

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As soon as I start seeing some amber I am probably going to start the water only cycle to use up what is left of the nutrients for maybe 2 weeks. Hopefully that will be enough to flush them out before harvest.

Sounds like you have a plan.

I need to feed today but looks like they may be ready for water only for the next week or 2. What do you guys think? Pic from each plant.

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If you’re going to do a final flush it’s time to start judging by your earlier posts. After a week or so of water they should be right where you want them. I didn’t even flush the grow I just finished. Reserving judgement on whether it made any difference until it’s cured in a few weeks.


I decided to feed one last time. The trichomes on 2 of the plants are further along than the others. I’m hoping this should bring them far enough along to start the 1-2 week flush.