The reverse action will cause ppms to drop, also leading to pH fluctuations.
My plants are in a 5 gal not the res its 27gal.
sounds like a good setup
anyone here familiar with this system in the link below. tryna get pros and cons on the system if possible.
Cons are…
#1 Way to expensive…
#2 return lines tend to clog with roots…
#3 no backup if that pump or main controller fail…
That’s all I can think of at the moment…
thanks for the info
@TDubWilly @peachfuzz @repins12 have u guys grown soil and hydro if so. whats the big difference between the 2 for u guys
I am still growing in both. The hydro growth is much quicker. Is that what you were asking?
tryna see if its any big cons and pros to them. want to do hydro because i own other businesses and was looking into making it more auto. but i have a touch of ocd i like to keep eyes on things etc. but will help if i can only have to water and feed at certain times which i can kind of have on a schedule unless i see something where they need to be fed sooner etc.
In my short experience with hydro, once you get it set up right. I don’t claim to know what I am doing and I push the limits from time to time even with my soil grows. I helped @BamaGrowLabz build a system very similar based off of my concoction. He just put seedlings in the system yesterday. Watch his grow for a couple of weeks and see it grow. Here is the link A Hydro Grow: A mans story from start to finish
will do and thanks
Hydro for the lazy grower.
I check system every week to add water
Look at plant whenever but doesnt need anything as it’s so easy doing hydro.
Only downfall is all plants in system use same nutrient mix. So need separate systems for different stages. One system for flower and second for veg if doing at same time. Other than that I would say I spend an actual 15min a week to keep it going.
do u have to top off or correct ppm levels alot
I top water once a week. I follow feeding schedule to what I use and dont check ppm as I learned the line up good.
After a few grows you will know the system and how it performs and what is needed depending on plants reactions.
I’m sure once a bit longer in flower I’ll have to top water every 3 days. But that’s easy
when topping u just topping with ph’d water without nutrients. how often u change out water in the system
No I fill system with ph water that has nutes mixed in.
Change water as needed. But at minimum I change it before transition to flower and then a week into flower.
And this grow will only need minimum as the system has great water flow and is very stable. Haven’t even used hydroguard or anything like it.
For a similar system @repins12 has the build that performs the same. Just lower cost than mine as I used current culture parts.
Hydro will give you more things to play with " but i have a touch of ocd i like to keep eyes on things etc" and keeping the nutes perfect works. I check PH/PMM 2 times a day and may not even open the tent to look at the plants.
I run the smaller return lines “like to be able to move plants around”
The root make their own filter and keep the roots out
Right in the middle there’s a divot where the return line is and you can see roots don’t really enter it
@repins12 @TDubWilly @peachfuzz @BetrayedSoul @Covertgrower @Oldguy. bought some goodies to build hydro setup just need to pickup some pvc piping and a few more goodies and then will began to put together. will post pic once its all together and sure ill be picking u guys brain on anything to improve it or make it better as i go along.