Liquid Epsom Salt (Bloom City) vs Regular Epsom Salt

Anyone use liquid Epsom salt?

With regular Epsom salt, I use 1.2 grams per gallon. The liquid bottle says 2 teaspoons per gallon.

I’m assuming the 2 teaspoons is ok for my mixing ratio? So 10 teaspoons for 5 gallon.

Seems like a stupid question but I thought I’d check before using it to se if anyone has had problems.

Bloom city has some very good products. I use their Cal mag, silica, and kelp


I add a couple of tablespoons top dressed a few times a month but thats not liquid. I dont see why 10 tsp of liquid would hurt at 5 gal


10 tsp is alot of product for 5 gal of liquid. I use about 1/4 tsp per gallon of epsom salt…been using the same 8lb bag for like 3 years now and I bet I have anoher few years left on the bag. How much that quart of liquid stuff cuz I paid like 4 bucks for this bag of salt.


You are better off using dry minerals because they last longer and are normally a lot cheaper.

Dry Epsom salts need to be dissolved in hot tap water because they don’t normally dissolve in cold water.

I use 1/4 level teaspoon of dry Epsom salts and the same amount of dry calcium chloride in a 9 litre (bit over 2 gallon) watering can and use that every time I water. I use coconut coir and perlite for the growing medium and don’t see any calcium or magnesium deficiencies at that rate.