Lighting For Closet

The problem with the one you linked, and many of the others from similar (Mars hydro, spider farmer, etc) is the diodes are inferior (281s) Vs the 301B of 301H. (If they even disclose the diodes used. If they don’t, steer clear).

The bloomplus is a 301B, so while it likely isn’t gonna be actual top-bin quality, it will likely be inherently better than the 281 diodes.

If “anything” is the yield goal, start by picking up just 1 light that falls under the budget and do a grow or two. Try to get something with a good range of spectrum - 3000k-4000k being ideal I believe, and UV and/or IR diodes will maximize what you can get with what you’ve got.

You’ll get hooked - that’s the problem I have. I don’t smoke much, but I’ve grown a few pounds over the last year just because it’s addictive as hell. :sweat_smile:

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Well I guess the only other option is you need to move next door to me and I will give you what you need since it is such a small amount.

One last suggestion. Mars also has the TS1000 which is a150w light. It will flower a single plant. I got 5 oz on my first grow after 37 years of being inactive. Only $100.00 or so.

Not sure how much 5 oz’s cost at your dispo but you could save enough from your first grow to never have to spend money on smoke again.


Ok, thank you. Good info guys, I appreciate that.

I think what I’m going to do is dive a bit deeper into those recommendations of lights and just section off a part of that closet and try 1 or 2 plants, see how it goes. I get where y’all are coming from with the other suggestions previously if I was trying to produce quantity. But with the small amount I’m wanting, I’d like to think it’s reasonable that a mid grade Amazon light can get a plant or two to produce.
If I could produce 5oz, I think I’d be set a while and happy with it.
Plus I think it would be a bit safer than driving across state lines to get a restock. (I’m in a not so “friendly” state to all this)


Talked to Greg over at HLG. He said if you order right now you can pick it up for 25% off for 135.00. Or you can go the amazon route and use your credits and pay 175.00

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An hlg 95w board will stomp a cheap 150w. You have to actually see the hlg side by side with a diff brand same watts. No comparison


Alright, so some research later and I’m leaning toward the Bloom Plus XP3000. I can get it currently for $230 and have some Amazon credit left over for other things I need.

Is this a good idea for my small area? I feel like I may be able to create a larger grow area too with that light should I need too. But I dunno, seeing as how new I am at this.

The ppfd charts they provide for themselves are pretty awful, but honestly that means I trust they’re accurate. I wouldn’t if it were me, but I understand your limitations entirely.

The Vivosun vs4000 or a Mars Hydro FC or FCE lights would probably be where I ended up if I had to buy a reasonably priced LED off of Amazon and based on the current availability. The diodes appear (note- appear means I don’t trust their par/ppfd maps, so it’s a rough guess) to be more evenly spaced than on the Bloom Plus, which seems to have a massive concentration of light in the center and massive falloff at the edges. The VS and FC maps appear to have better light distribution. Again, only take that for what it’s worth, which is maybe nothing and maybe something.


If you had to choose between the FC3000 and the VS4000 which would you go with?

The pice today is only a $18 difference. They’re a bit more than I wanted to spend for my little 2x3 grow closet/tent, but if they could allow me to make it a bit bigger than I may could see myself getting one.

Thank you for the advice. Y’all’s advice I more valuable than I could do alone as I still haven’t caught onto how to best interpret the ppfd charts. I just haven’t had a lot of time to study all this lately.

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400 watts is better than 300 watts to me; I’d way rather do more firepower and not need it than need it and not have it.

More importantly, I’ve used the VS1000 for about a year now to veg stuff, and it’s been great. Not enough light to flower anything (it’s only 100 watts) but 400 watts would do the trick.


I run the MarsHydro FCE-4800 in a 4x4 tent. I can easily flower 4 photos my next grow will be 5 autos so I’ll see on that never tried autos before. The light was like $460ish but that was at a hydro store.

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Yeah, the FCE4800 would be “better” but I’m suspecting is out of budget. The VS4000 is $310ish on sale right now, which sure ain’t bad for a 400w fixture. Compared against $440 for the FCE4800, I’d sooner get the less expensive fixture. Especially considering the FC-E series uses Bridgelux diodes instead of Samsung diodes like the full-blown FC or the VS lights. The 301B is “second best” so for the price, it’s pretty darn okay.

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I just saw the grow area was 2x3 and I don’t think the MH4800 would fit. I tried doing some online sleuthing but found everyone fudged their numbers. I chose the FCE4800 because it was a new diode in comparison to earlier models and growers were impressed with its production in an area like I have. I look forward to asking you about my options when I split my grow to veg tent flower closet. Thank you very much for your time. :call_me_hand:t2::call_me_hand:t2:

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Yeah, no doubt about that at all. When it comes to par maps I choose to trust no one. If there are independent studies or certifications, I am much more keen. That’s why HLG is my go-to, but for OP’s purposes it’s off the table

Absolutely. Don’t get me wrong, I’m running some Bridgelux strip lights of my own making and they’re good, but not top of the line - they do great in terms of bang-for-buck, the Vivosun light just looks like an outstanding deal (I’m certain it wasn’t $60 off when I looked earlier this morning).

Most certainly, give me a shout any time, I’m happy to help or grab someone else who can do better than me for the question at hand. :100::v:

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@Graysin Yeah see I have very basic skills when it comes to electronics. I build stonewalls for a living I’m as far from electricity as you can get​:joy::joy::joy: When I bought the MH I told the guy I wanted top of the line. If I’m going to pay $460 for a light I’ll pay the $540 or $550 for the best $80-$200 won’t break a sale with me. When I measure out that closet I’m going to want the best blooming light to run my flower stage that fits my space regardless of price. So I will need your expertise definitely.

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Sorry @RandomW201 Didn’t mean to jack the thread. Best of luck to your grow. Hope you find what fits your needs best. :call_me_hand:t2::call_me_hand:t2:

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No problem guys, I’m learning.

The VS4000 I’ve determined is a bit out of the price range. Even the FC3000 is pushing it over a bit, but I’m considering it.

Currently I’ve pulled some YouTube vids of a guy testing the XP3000, FC3000 & FC-E3000 to see what I should go with.

I’ve got to keep in mind that anything over my Amazon credits cuts into the rest of my budget for reflection material, pots, soil, ferts, fans, etc…

As of right now I’m now leaning towards the FC-E3000 as it appears to strike a middle ground between the XP3000 and the FC3000. Just not sure how those BridgeLux leds are compared to the LM301’s that both the other units have.

If you have to make budget cuts, make them elsewhere. Been said I am sure, but light is the one thing you shouldn’t cheap out on. Let us know what you end up going with.

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Growing and Tending plants is so addictive, I am hooked.
Good growing to you. HLG lights and you will be happy.

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