Light / dark cycle

I have primarily outdoor growing for the last 3 years. Last year I pulled a couple of plants from outside and put them under lights in my garage before they flowered. Amazingly they loved the garage and grew huge there! (see photo)

In late spring, I moved them back outside figuring they keep growing in my garden. Here’s the problem: I had them under 24/7 lights in the garage and shortly after moving outside, they flowered. Way too early.

This year I’m doing the same thing though using a mini greenhouse on my porch. The plants seem to like the greenhouse. (see photo; note the 2 smaller plants started weak and are coming around). I have the plants on a 16 : 8 cycle of light : dark now.

My questions: 1. What is the correct light:dark schedule to keep in veg state and be able to transition back outside later? 2. When should I move these plants to the outside garden?

I am assuming that it is possible to take plants from outside to inside, then back outside again, correct?

Note: I am in Northern California


You need to match the lighting indoors to what they are going to be getting when moved outdoors. Going from 24 hours of constant lighting, it wouldnt matter if they were still getting 14-16 hours of daylight outside. Dropping from 24 straight will make her think it is “time”. Mimic mother nature as closely as possible in this scenario. Nice looking tree!!


Another way is to put it outside in full sun, and when it gets dark bring her back into the garage.
Cannabis needs 18 hours of light to continue in the vegetative state.


Yes, and

indoor introduction of outdoor residents may include undesired travelers.