I saw these yellow tips this morning. Wondering what the issue could be.
Here ya go.
Strain; Type, Bag Seed, Or Na
Soil In Pots, Hydroponic, Or Coco?
System Type?
Ph Of Runoff Or Solution In Reservoir?
What Is Strength Of Nutrient Mix? Ec, Or Tds
Indoor Or Outdoor
Light System, Size?
Temps; Day, Night
Humidity; Day, Night
Ventilation System; Yes, No, Size
Ac, Humidifier, De-humidifier,
Co2; Yes, No
Add Anything Else You Feel Would Help Us Give You A Most Informed Answer. Feel Free To Elaborate. Clear pictures in natural or white light helps a lot.
This should help everyone dial that in. Looks like a touch of nute burn. Not bad. Happens a lot and even in organic.
Need pictures of the hole plant if possible happy growing my friend
Agree with pics but it’s typically a lack of K and water. A couple days should do the trick.
I would say its either light burn or a bit of nute burn doesnt look to bad though maybe give ur plant a flush depending on wat nutes u use
Strain; Type, Bag Seed, Or Na
Gorilla Glue and critical mass in fox farm ocean forest
Soil In Pots, Hydroponic, Or Coco?
What Is Strength Of Nutrient Mix? Ec, Or Tds
Have not used nutrient yet
Indoor Or Outdoor
Light System, Size?
Max hydroo 3000: 3x3 tent
Temps; Day, Night
Humidity; Day, Night
Ventilation System; Yes, No, Size
Yes: acinfinity carbon filter and vent 6in
Ac, Humidifier, De-humidifier,
Humidfier and fans
Co2; Yes, No
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Nice looking plants I wouldn’t do anything different at this point if I were you. Looking healthy as heck!
I’ve seen more people mess up a plant trying to fix a minor problem than just ignoring it.