Leaf septoria outdoors?

Septoria has been horrible this year! Daily diligence is needed to keep it at bay. Constantly removing infected leaves. I also use dr zymes eliminator to try and prevent it. Internet says mulching helps but it seems to me like it’s air born! Keeping my plants trimmed and allowing good air flow seems to also help! What are things you guys do to prevent or resolve leaf septoria?



I’ve got it too

You basically just need to fight it off the next 3-4 weeks and remove any affected areas, you can’t stop it completely only slow it down until harvest, it won’t hurt the buds but it will kill every leaf if untreated

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Is this septoria? :woman_facepalming:

Certainly looks like it to me! Definitely not good!

I would remove all the infected leaves! It’s almost for sure some type of fungus. I spray my plants with the amazing Dr zymes eliminator for prevention and help slow spreading. Copper fungicide works also but ive been told that not good to smoke so i don’t use it during flower

Ok, I just ordered the Dr zymes and am heading out now to start removing the leaves. Thank you!! :grimacing:

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Just stay diligent on keeping infected leaves removed! Also make sure your plants are trimmed good any over sized fan leaves can be removed and i remove all the stuff from the center! Good air flow helps allot!

A pic for reference of the center of my plants

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Thank you for your help. The ladies look better already with all those leaves off. I sprayed last night with Dr zymes. :blush:

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What is septoria

It is a fungal disease that infected plants is bad here in Michigan this year

Septoria starting to win on this plant(platinum kush breath) my other strains are not nearly as bad!

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