Leaf issues Pests

Uh oh! I used captains jacks copper fungicide to treat a leaf sptoria/leaf spot problem! They are still vegging did i ruin my grow?

You will be fine this early. It will leech into the soil and rinse w the water. Copper takes time to build up in the soil and plants. You just want to save that one for the spring fungal problems with peaches and apples. If you were in the harvest window or sprayed it all season I would not smoke it.

Eagle 20 has the same problem (not organic I know). It was very popular for fruit growers and rinses away at fruit wash. But burned in plant matter it was not safe.

I’ve had some blight on my outdoor grow in the past. Browning on tips of leaves.
Discovered my problem was a Cal-Mag deficiency. I used Canna Cal-Mag to resolve
Your current grow looks just fine. Captain Jack Dead Bug will keep your plant bug free and it’s safe to use

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@Tafuta ,
Thanks, appreciate your response!

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Thanks for taking the time to send all that info~ greatly appreciated.

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Morning, thought I would get your opinion on what I’ve got happening. Probably some spillage with the venerate cg on the bottom leaves (ground saturation) thought I would try your suggestion on the dead bug spray and see if that helps.
You can see in the second pic the bottom leaves not in focus but yellow and something evidently eating on it. These aren’t the most recent pictures but what I. Had taken before it got worse

A few more pics of bottom leaves

Hard to tell if it’s thrips or spider mites but I would hit them with Deadbug every 3 days for a couple weeks to be sure.


Thank you, mix heavy 1:5 to 1?
-And spray them completely correct ? Just don’t want to harm them at this point.
Appreciate your assistance

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Yes, soak them, especially the underside of leaves, that’s where most pests hide!

Captain Jack Deadbug will radio ate your leaf miner issue

Personally, I don’t like spraying anything on my plants because they kill the good bugs too. It creates a viscous cycle because by killing the pests you scare away the beneficials! Also, if you aren’t careful they can damage your crop. I rely on growing a large variety of other herbs and flowers to attract wasps, ladybugs and other beneficial insects to the garden.

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If you kill the pest, there’s no need for beneficial insects on weed……


Can anyone tell me if this discoloration is something serious and how I can correct it? I’m a first time outdoor auto grower. Thank you!

Is it only on that leaf or more widespread? That looks like a lower leaf…they often fade over time. Can you post a picture of the whole plant?

They are the lowers. It’s on both of that level of leaves. Here’s a pic of the plant.

I think you are ok if it is not appearing on the new growth.