I have a few questions regarding the Green Lacewing predatory insects to control the Aphid infestation in my grow room.
I have ordered a batch of 5000 Green Lacewings to get this infestation under control.
My questions are :
Will the Lacewings be killed or damaged by the left over patches of Diatomacious Earth sprinkled around on the Coco and stems?
Should I remove all the sticky traps to avoid them capturing my new green friends ?
Haven’t sprayed for 5 days now to be sure there’s no poison to kill the Lacewings. So the critters are starting to march up the stem this morning. This afternoon they will be met by very hungry predators that haven’t eaten for a week while being in transit
Well the Lacewings appear to be dead, they were still in egg form but at least half of them were a grey colour and not green. Couldn’t see any movement under the lens either.
Supplier is sending another batch free of charge, their courier messed up and took 4 days longer than they should have.
Some of the Lacewings survived and are already patrolling and taking care of the Aphid larvae and Fungus gnats too. Crappy pic I took of a larvae searching for live aphid babies lol