Kin's second grow

2x Sour Diesel(7Mar24) 2x Purple Kush(7Mar24/9Mar24) 1x Deez Nuggz (Meph) (8Mar24)

The second Purple Kush has popped a taproot… should be able to plant tomorrow. I have the other 4 plants in jiffy pellets right now. All looks good.



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Shazam looks like your on the right path Pharmer, thanks for the tag.

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Planted the other Purple Kush last night and Deez Nuggz is standing up straight now. Transplanted both Sour Diesels into solo cups. One in 70/30 Coco/perlite and one in organic potting soil. I buffered the coco with high dose Lotus brand CalMag twice for more than eight hours. Flushed with water down to an EC of about 0.2. I was trying to get it below 0.1 but it didn’t want to go down anymore. Started fertigation with Lotus brand Grow and CalMag following the Lotus feeding schedule for high frequency fertigation in coco coir.


Stages of my cycle


Looks like some awesome grows going on here. Deez Nuggz Sounds like a interesting strain. Where did those beans come from? I would like to see some pictures of mature plants from that strain. Good luck and happy growing

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@John7 they can from Mephisto genetics. The mature plants have this beautiful red. Can’t wait and you’ll definitely see pics!


Awesome can’t wait. I am going to check that out. I’m starting my 5th grow soon 2 in hydroponic setting and I’m looking for some awesome beans to sprout. This was my last grow super skunk auto it was massive for being auto.


Awesome photo bomb even the Cowboy in the back is amazed


That second purple kush came out as a stalk with no cotyledons so dropped another one in water.

Do you guys know if I can put the probe of this heating mat into the water? Or will it be okay under the dome? First time using this mat. I have the temp set to 85f.

I’ve only grown in coco before, when do I start fertilizing with soil? I’m using lotus nutes. This is the feeding schedule for lotus, do I fertilize once a week?

Shes not upside down in there,i love to poke them with a plastic toothpick. Usually halh need to be flipped around. Have had to many get stuck and die. Assistance gently

I did some poking around and accidentally pulled it out of the medium. Definitely not upside down aha. The other side didn’t have any cotyledons either. Unless I just don’t know what I’m looking for!

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Ive had a couple that i took the helmet off but the membrane stayed and didn’t let the little leaves open.

I agree with @Bunger64
What a photo bomb :firecracker::firecracker:

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Hey guys sorry for the lack of updates… life got real crazy real quick. All the babies are doing well and I’m hoping I can post a few pics later tonight.

Don’t mind the calcium deprived plant… I didn’t know coco was different than soil when i started that plant. Still got a couple babies in solo cups, I was able to transplant the two Sour Deisels into their final containers (5gal fabric). I heard that once the roots start growing out of the bottom of the solo cup it’s time to transplant, is that right?

This Purple Kush is looking a little funky to me, what do you guys think?


Wow I’m terrible at remembering to update this…

They’re getting so big!! Following Lotus feeding schedule. Going to be starting LST very soon… except for the little PK that’s a week younger.