Kimcj’s First Grow

I seen the pic of bud you split and agree it didn’t look like bud rot once opened. Just really weird, that’s what it looks like and consistent with how it’s spreading.


Yea seems to baffle us all :laughing:.
She’s chopped and washed. Tomorrow when it’s daylight hubby and i are going too check the roots.
She’s the one that took forever for her soil to dry.


Yes, this is a great bag

I’ve seen the weird brown before and mine turned out to be where worms ate the root zone. Something is eating them or rot has set in. I smoked mine months ago and still alive lol :laughing::laughing: but do your research before inhaling it.


All the kids are doing it


@Lostgirl :grimacing::crazy_face::laughing: you’re silly

Thank you @DoneDeal … I will be checking the roots pretty soon :+1:

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…but you did turn blue…

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:point_up_2::point_up_2: I asked this fellow about it and that’s how it all got started :rofl::rofl::rofl: @PogueMahone


Hey all… when should i stop giving nutes to an auto in flower?

I have Luna who is 57 days since pistils so 7 weeks into flower(?)

These are pics from yesterday


When the trichs are all cloudy, you can stop nutes, they will be out by the time trichs get amber in them, about two weeks.

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Thank you @Growdoc !
I’ll get some pics under the scope in a little bit- I’m not sure if I’m the best judge. Just worried since Hannah was ready earlier than i expected i figured I’d ask because Luna is a week behind her.


Ok here’s Luna

Lemon Auto (Lemon Skunk x Lowryder #2)
57 days since first pistils so i guess 7 weeks off flower?

I’ve got pictures of the trichomes from the top and bottom.

Trying to guesstimate when to stop nutes and harvest.




I think you can go a bit longer, trichs look clear to me.


What are you using to take your close up photos with?

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I bought this microscope per the advice on here :+1:

Aluminum Alloy Microscope Stand Holder for USB Digital Microscope, Cainda Stable Metal Stand Bracket with Portable Carrying Case, Support Adjusted Up and Down Easy to Focus : Aluminum Alloy Microscope Stand Holder for USB Digital Microscope, Cainda Stable Metal Stand Bracket with Portable Carrying Case, Support Adjusted Up and Down Easy to Focus : Electronics


Thank you :metal::metal:

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Going to need some insight :laughing:
Anyone on?


What’s gives


@Lostgirl Haha! I’m just winging it. Times been crazy over here. Hubby decided to get a job. Adult kids been over. Had to help son get a car. Harvest/ trim Hannah. School conference teachers dinner. Still fighting this headache (thankfully not a migraine anymore and no more vertigo).
How’s your retirement?


Ok bad news and need to contemplate…

The 2 Outcasts Hazel & Rachel

Ok a little reminder on history… one is stunted and one is a mutant. They were growing outside but since the weather was getting cold at night we brought them in about 3 weeks ago (along with Lulu). Prior to coming in they were pre-treated for pests. They were placed in the grow closet (away from the veg tent and flower tent but still same lung room).

About 2 weeks ago I discovered Lulu had WPM and she went back outside. I didn’t think she was worth the risk to the other plants.

That left Hazel & Rachel in the closet.
Their pistils have bushed up like crazy… they barely had anything going on dispite being several weeks in flower. The past 2 weeks they’ve pushed out a ton of pistils they look like their a couple weeks into flower although they started flowering 64 days ago!

Ok… when i fed them last i noticed some small crawly bugs in the soil of Hazel… i thought they were the baby gnats so i didn’t think much as they are almost due for more mosquito bits.

But today i discovered 2 bugs on Rachel walking around her buds. All i had at the time was my phone and not a good picture but when i seen them it was pretty clear to me they are White Flies. They look just like tiny moths.

So now I’m contemplating sending them back outside. Which will most likely lead to death (Ohio).

How much risk are these to my other plants? The others are in zipped up tents.

These 2 plants only get fed about every 5 days so i don’t need to tend to them often as they are the only ones in that closet.

How to treat Whiteflies?